Zūlanderis 2

Zūlanderis 2 2016


2001-aisiais garsiausiam planetos modeliui Derekui Zūlanderiui (aktorius Ben‘as Stiller‘is) po kojomis buvo visas pasaulis. Ir ne tik dėl darbo mados srityje. Kartu su bičiuliu, taip pat modeliu Hanzeliu Makdonaldu (akt. Owen‘as Wilson‘as) Derekas užkirto kelią piktadario Mugatu planui nužudyti Malaizijos premjerą. Praėjo daugiau nei dešimtmetis ir pasaulis užmiršo Dereką ir Hanzelį. Niekas nebesamdo jų modelio darbui, jų niekas netgi nebeatpažįsta gatvėje. Vieną dieną vyrukai nutaria, kad ilgiau taip tęstis nebegali. Jie sugrįš į šlovės viršūnę, nesvarbu, kiek tai kainuotų. Žingsnis po žingsnio Zūlanderis ir Makdonaldas pradeda savo kelionę atgal į mados pasaulio sostą. Apie tai sužinoję konkuruojančios kompanijos sunerimsta ir nutaria bet kokia kaina jiems sutrukdyti.



Zūlanderis 2001


Derekas Zūlanderis – triskart metų modelio titulo laimėtojas. Kai titulą laimi jaunesnis Hanselis, Zūlanderio gyvenimas pasikeičia. Draugai dingsta, tėvas nusivylęs, o jis pats mano esąs prastas modelis. Netrukus Dereką pasamdo piktas madų guru Mugatas. Zūlanderis džiaugiasi, kol sužino, kad Mugatas jį užhipnotizavo nužudyti Malaizijos premjerą. Ar Derekas su naujais draugais spės užkirsti kelią šiam pasikėsinimui?


Nematomas siūlas

Nematomas siūlas 2017


Filme „Nematomas siūlas“ režisierius ir scenarijaus autorius Paul Thomas Anderson leidžiasi į XX a. mados pasaulio užkulisius, žiūrovą nukeldamas į 1950-ųjų Londoną. Apie dizainerį Reynolds Woodcock (akt. Daniel Day-Lewis) ir jo seserį Sirilę (akt. Lesley Manville) sukasi visas Didžiosios Britanijos mados pasaulis – duetas rengia karališkąją šeimą, kino žvaigždes, aukštuomenės grietinėlę, turtingas paveldėtojas ir vakarėlių liūtes, kurių stiliaus ir žavesio paslaptis - Reynolds Woodcock apdarai. Į užkietėjusio viengungio atelje plūsta tūkstančiai moterų, tačiau nei viena negeba suvirpinti maestro širdies. Sykį mados namų Woodcock slenkstį peržengia gražuolė Alma (akt. Vicky Krieps), jau netrukus tampanti mados ikonos mūza ir meiluže. Ilgus metus kruopščiai kurta ir kontroliuota mados imperija ima svyruoti, talentingojo dizainerio gyvenimo pamatus drebinant meilei, turinčiai savitą atspalvį...


Keistas veidelis

Keistas veidelis 1957


Netikėtai ją atradęs mados fotografas Dikas (Fred Astaire) įtikina iš pat pradžių skeptiškai modelių gyvenimo atžvilgiu nusiteikusią merginą vykti į Paryžių. Laisvė, ore tvyranti romantika ir nepaprasto grožio apdarai po truputį suvilioja Džo priimti jai skirta mados ikonos vaidmenį.



Papiša 2019


Alžyras, 90-ieji. Aštuoniolikmetė studentė Nedžma svajoja apie drabužių dizainerės karjerą, ir net akylai saugomi bendrabučio mūrai negali jos sustabdyti. Geriausių draugių padedama, naktinių klubų tualetuose ji slapta pardavinėja savo siūtas išskirtines sukneles papišoms, drąsioms, laisvoms ir patrauklioms merginoms. Tuo tarpu politinė ir socialinė situacija šalyje darosi vis labiau įtempta. Nepaisydama griežtėjančių draudimų ir saviraiškos laisvės ribojimų, Nedžma priešinasi suvaržymams ir organizuoja lemtingą mados šou.


Mirties troškimas 5: Mirties veidas

Mirties troškimas 5: Mirties veidas 1994


Polas Kersis grįžta į Niujorką, tvirtai ketindamas su sužadėtine Olivia Ridžent pradėti normalų žmogišką gyvenimą be gaudynių ir susišaudymų. Bet graži svajonė lieka tik svajone. Olivija nužudoma. Polas įsitikinęs, kad tai jos buvusio vyro Tommi O'Ši - mafijos boso - darbas. Puikiai suprasdamas, kad tokiais atvejais teisingumas yra bejėgis, Polas vėl imasi ginklo, kad galėtų įvykdyti teisingumą ir susidoroti su banditais ...


RuPaul's Drag Race

RuPaul's Drag Race 2009


Join RuPaul, the world's most famous drag queen, as the host, mentor and judge for the ultimate in drag queen competitions. The top drag queens in the U.S. will vie for drag stardom as RuPaul, in full glamazon drag, will reign supreme in all judging and eliminations while helping guide the contestants as they prepare for each challenge.


America's Next Top Model

America's Next Top Model 2003


Aspiring models compete for a chance to break into the business with a panel of judges critiquing their progress throughout the competition.


Project Runway

Project Runway 2004


Aspiring fashion designers compete for a chance to break into the industry. Each week, a designer is eliminated from the competition after exhibiting their work in front of a judges' panel.


Hidden Truths 2

Hidden Truths 2 2021


With no money and a sick young son, Angel returns to the underworld of fashion and luxury. Giovanna believes that Angel killed her father and will do anything to put her in jail. As a result, they start a personal war, which involves Cristiano, a private investigator.


Victoria's Secret Fashion Show

Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 1995


Merging fashion, fantasy and entertainment, this lingerie runway show includes pink carpet interviews, model profiles, behind-the-scenes looks at the making of the show, and musical performances.


Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

Queer Eye for the Straight Guy 2003


You never know what the Fab Five will do - or say - next as they travel across the US and deconstruct a straight guy's life, giving him a fabulous new wardrobe, personal grooming tips, a signature recipe or two, some good-looking furniture, personal relating skills and a brand-new attitude.


A Style For You

A Style For You 2015


A Style for You is a beauty and fashion program where MCs actively give advice and tips on makeup, fashion , diet, food and other interests.


In Vogue: The 90s

In Vogue: The 90s 2024


The '90s was the decade when high fashion walked off the runway and into mainstream culture. Featuring an A-list cast from the worlds of fashion, film and music, alongside Vogue's Anna Wintour and Edward Enninful, this landmark series reveals the inside story of the 90's most celebrated fashion and pop culture moments.


Kingdom of Dreams

Kingdom of Dreams 2022


'Kingdom of Dreams' is a stunning four-part series chronicling three critical decades of the fashion world, from the early 1990s through to the 2010s. Described as a Golden Age, this period of time was an era of disruption and innovation as the traditional fashion business bumped heads against the young and exciting international visionaries who were shaking up the industry. Using rare library material, never-before-seen personal archives and story-driven interviews, explore a pivotal time in fashion history up close.



Stylista 2008


Stylista was an American fashion-themed reality-television competition series that premiered on the CW network in the United States, and Citytv in Canada on October 22, 2008. The series was produced by Warner Horizon Television and Tyra Banks through her Bankable Productions. The series was not renewed for a second season. Johanna was named the winner on December 17, 2008. She won a paid editorial position at Elle magazine, a paid lease on an apartment in Manhattan, and a clothing allowance at H&M, all for one year, valued at $100,000.


Karl Lagerfeld : Révélation

Karl Lagerfeld : Révélation 2024


Karl Lagerfeld was an enigmatic figure who spent his life reinventing himself. He ruled the fashion world for decades, making history with his achievements at Chanel, Fendi and his own brand. An extraordinary personality, a fashion Stakhanovite, a tireless worker who created day and night until his last breath. A flamboyant man too, in his appearance and in his words, known for his outbursts mixing perfidy, provocation and self-deprecation. He was also an illusionist, a provocateur, a controversial icon, who used the truth - particularly about his past - to embellish his legend. But where does this determination come from? What were his inspirations and motivations? And behind his enigmatic façade - with his tight suit, ponytail and dark glasses - who really was Karl Lagerfeld?


The Cut

The Cut 2005


The Cut was a television reality show for world class fashion designers hosted and sponsored by fashion designer and billionaire Tommy Hilfiger. Sixteen designers split into new teams each week to complete tasks, with a player eliminated each round. The show debuted on CBS, and shifted timeslots through the summer. Of note was the catch phrase Hilfiger used for each elimination, celebrity appearances, and the New York City setting. The winner had the opportunity to design a clothing line for HIllfiger. In the final, three contestants were allowed to bring back former teammates to help design a window display. Hilfiger chose Cortez as the winner.


House of Style

House of Style 1970


House of Style is an MTV show that premiered January 1, 1989, focusing on America's growing fascination with the "supermodel" craze. The show focused on fashion, lives of models, the modeling industry, and controversial topics such as eating disorders.