사카라 무덤의 비밀

사카라 무덤의 비밀 2020


4,400년간 아무도 침범하거나 도굴하지 않은 무덤이 발견된다. 귀중한 유적을 탐사하고 연구하는 이집트 고고학자들. 그들은 여기서 어떤 역사와 이야기를 찾아낼까?


Secrets of the Lost Ark

Secrets of the Lost Ark 2021


For centuries, explorers have searched for the Bible’s most sacred religious artefacts. One of the most mysterious of these objects is the famed Ark of the Covenant. The gold-plated wooden chest – one of the most instrumental symbols of faith and God's presence – was believed to house the two tablets bearing the Ten Commandments. The Ark’s exact whereabouts has long puzzled scholars. Where did it go? And why has it remained such a mystery?