Sokator-442 2011
In a world where soccer has replaced war, an evil threat has emerged that will shatter the planet Sokator. Two boys from earth must unite and lead an alien team to victory in the Sokator-442 World Cup. Win and they survive.
In a world where soccer has replaced war, an evil threat has emerged that will shatter the planet Sokator. Two boys from earth must unite and lead an alien team to victory in the Sokator-442 World Cup. Win and they survive.
Humaira Bilkis has a problem: after a pilgrimage to Mecca, her mother, who was previously an emancipated poet, has now become devout. The filmmaker has to fight to get her to accept the camera, since her religion forbids images, while hiding her relationship with a Hindu man from Calcutta. Her film plays out like a closed-door documentary, spot-on and moving.