Super-GAU. Die letzten Tage Luxemburgs

Super-GAU. Die letzten Tage Luxemburgs 2021


Was wäre, wenn es mitten in Europa zu einem Super-GAU käme? Wenn von einem Tag auf den anderen ein ganzer Staat von der Landkarte verschwinden würde? Das Doku-Drama zeigt das fiktive Szenario eines Atomunfalls mitten in Luxemburg und beleuchtet dessen wirtschaftliche, juristische, politische, gesellschaftliche und kulturelle Folgen.



MyMusic 2012


MyMusic was the primary series that aired on the MyMusicShow YouTube channel. It documented the antics of MyMusic, a transmedia production company where, rather than referring to each other by name, the staff go by the varying music genres with which they associate. CEO and founder Indie heads the team, which consists of people following extremely different–and frequently conflicting–tastes and attitudes. The company claims to have been given the YouTube original channel, which brings along with it a documentary crew filming them day to day. The second season picks up following the burning of the MyMusic building at the conclusion of the first season. After this fire, Indie has the MyMusic team returning to its roots, as well as focus more on social media and the MyMusic blog.