Ken Hodges I ribelli di Carnaby Street Never Mind the Quality, Feel the Width Ticket to Paradise It's All Happening Street Corner Freedom to Die Dead Man's Evidence Superspia K Gaolbreak Quel maledetto ispettore Novak The Gentle Trap Il drago degli abissi Delitto in silenzio Two Letter Alibi David Copperfield La classe dirigente The Sea Can Kill No Sex Please: We're British The Brave Don't Cry Gli arcieri di Sherwood La porta sbarrata La rapina più scassata del secolo A Day in the Death of Joe Egg Never Look Back Una testa di lupo mozzata Emergency Penny Gold Ogni uomo dovrebbe averne due Danger Tomorrow The End of the Road Laxdale Hall The Comedy Man Inadmissible Evidence Confessions from a Holiday Camp Confessions of a Driving Instructor Het Verloren Paradijs Night Without Pity Doomsday at Eleven