Raymond Lovell Gli invasori - 49° parallelo Cesare e Cleopatra Night Boat to Dublin La via della gloria Crime Unlimited L'uomo in grigio Madness of the Heart The End of the River Amarti è la mia dannazione I vinti My Brother's Keeper Appointment with Crime Uncensored Easy Money Contrabbando Hotel Reserve Alibi Nei meandri della Casbah The Three Weird Sisters Naughty Arlette The Blind Goddess Who Killed Van Loon? Sexton Blake and the Mademoiselle Troubled Waters Warn That Man Once Upon a Dream Love, Life and Laughter Ali che non tornano King of the Damned Midnight Menace Fools Rush In The Steel Key The Bad Lord Byron The Common Touch The Calendar Secret Lives Someday The Case of Gabriel Perry Gaol Break Glamorous Night Fair Exchange Il nemico di Napoleone Passioni The Goose Steps Out Time, Gentlemen, Please! The Pickwick Papers Gypsy Melody Un monello alla corte d'Inghilterra