Lykilorð Totalitarian Regime
Equilibrium 2002
Persepolis 2007
THX 1138 1971
Fahrenheit 451 1966
4 mánuðir, 3 vikur og 2 dagar 2007
Myndin gerist í Rúmeníu um miðjan níunda áratuginn þegar austurblokkin er að líða undir lok. Landið er í niðurníslu og mikil fátækt ríkir. Einn spilltasti harðstjóri síðari ára, Chaucescu, er við völd og svarti markaðurinn blómstrar. Kemur þetta ekki síst fram í heilbrigðisgeiranum, þar sem vafasamir læknir starfa utan heilbrigðiskerfisins. Það er í þessu umhverfi sem hin unga Gabita (Laura Vasilu) verður ófrísk.
One, Two, Three 1961
Before Night Falls 2000
Fortress 2 2000
1984 2023
Nineteen Eighty-Four 1954
Closet Land 1991
El Calentito 2005
Det røde kapel 2010
Laogai: Prison Nation - Inside China's Ruling System 2023
After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, Mao Tsetung established a system of labor camps for systematic repression, known as Laogai, an abbreviation for "Reform Through Labor". In such camps, forced labor and physical and mental torture were used to bring about a so-called mental reform, re-education in the spirit of the Chinese Communist Party. Millions of Chinese were affected. Many were executed. In hundreds of camps, the Party took advantage of the prisoners' free labor to build the economy. Self-criticism and denunciation were often the only way to escape martyrdom. Successive waves of purges culminated in the Cultural Revolution, which saw massive human rights abuses, political assassinations, massacres, and exiles in remote parts of the country. Using unreleased archive footage, the documentary tells the story of the invention, development and improvement of China's totalitarian system of surveillance and repression up to the present day, never told before.