Apocalypse Z: Awal sebuah pengakhiran

Apocalypse Z: Awal sebuah pengakhiran 2024


Penyakit mirip rabies menyebar di seluruh dunia, mengubah manusia jadi makhluk agresif. Manel berlindung di rumah dengan kucingnya, memakai akal untuk bertahan hidup. Lalu, mereka harus pergi mencari makanan dan tempat yang aman di darat dan laut.



Invasion 1997


Small rocks fall from the sky which, when touched, trigger a latent virus that has always existed in humans and begins mutating them into an alien species. Taking advantage of its hive mentality, the aliens are absolutely dedicated to transforming every human on Earth and do so with alarming swiftness. Only a small group of humans remain who have the medical knowledge to devise antibodies to reverse the effects of the virus.