Iskupljenje u Shawshanku

Iskupljenje u Shawshanku 1994


Nakon presude kojom je proglašen krivim za ubojstvo vlastite žene i njenog ljubavnika, Andy Dufresne 1947. stiže u zloglasni zatvor Shawshank kako bi odslužio doživotnu kaznu. Inače bankovni stručnjak i ugledni gospodin, Andy je ubačen u sredinu o kakvoj nije mogao niti sanjati. Okružen kriminalcima i sadističkim čuvarima, vrlo se brzo suočava s brutalnošću zatvorskog života. Drži se povučeno i rijetko komunicira, osim s utjecajnim i dobronamjernim zatvorenikom Redom. Do promjene će doći jednoga dana kada Andy počne nuditi čuvarima financijske usluge i savjete. Tad počinje uživati poseban status među zatvorenicima i čuvarima, pa ga čak i sam upravitelj vrbuje za zatvorskog knjigovođu. Svoj povlašteni položaj Andy koristi kako bi unaprijedio zatvorsku knjižnicu i time barem donekle uljepšao tamošnji turoban život...


Grof Monte Cristo

Grof Monte Cristo 2002


Romantični mladi mornar Edmond Dantes (James Cavieze) je pošten čovjek čiji se miran život naglo uzdrma nakon što ga njegov najbolji prijatelj (Guy Pearce) prevari i ukrade srce njegove zaručnice. Namjerno i nezakonito poslan u zatvor, Dantes doživi pravu noćnu moru punih trinaest godina - sve dok ne pobjegne i uzme identitet zagonetnog i bogatog Grofa Monte Crista. Lukavom okrutnošću Dantes skuje domišljat plan kako da sustavno uništi sve one koji su ga izdali.


Zločesti dečki zauvijek

Zločesti dečki zauvijek 2020


Zločesti dečki Mike Lowrey (Will Smith) i Marcus Burnett (Martin Lawrence) ponovno su zajedno u još jednoj ludoj vožnji u dugo očekivanom nastavku „Zločesti dečki zauvijek”. Ovaj put naši zločesti dečki jesu nešto stariji ali su jednako ludi i opaki. Iako Marcus svom dugogodišnjem partneru Mikeu najavljuje skorašnji odlazak u mirovinu, Mike ga nagovora na još jednu ludu misiju.


Nemoguća misija: Protokol duh

Nemoguća misija: Protokol duh 2011


IMF je ukinut kada ga okrive za globalnu terorističku bombašku urotu. Pokrenut je „Protokol duh“, a Ethan Hunt i njegov odmetnuti novi tim moraju ući u ilegalu i bez ičije pomoći i kontakata očistiti ljagu s imena svoje organizacije.


Veliki bijeg

Veliki bijeg 1963


Australac Paul Brickhill upravljao je vojnim zrakoplovom koji su nacisti srušili nad Tunisom 1943. nakon čega je odveden u strogo čuvani zatvor Stalag Luft III u Njemačkoj. Sudjelujući sa svojim kolegama u planu i izvedbi spektakularnog bijega (od 76 bjegunaca slobode su se dokopala samo trojica), Brickhill je o tim uzbudljivim događajima nakon završetka rata napisao knjigu koja je poslužila kao predložak američkoj akcijskoj ratnoj drami "Veliki bijeg"


Čudesne zvijeri: Grindelwaldova zlodjela

Čudesne zvijeri: Grindelwaldova zlodjela 2018


U novom nastavku Čudesnih zvijeri, pratimo Newta Scamandera i Albusa Dumbledorea u nastojanjima da stanu na kraj mračnom čarobnjaku Gellertu Grindelwaldu. U knjizi Harry Potter i darovi smrti čitatelji su mogli saznati da su Albus i Gellert nekoć bili vrlo bliski, prije no što su postali najgori neprijatelji.


Plan za bijeg

Plan za bijeg 2013


Stručnjak za sigurnost nađe se zatvoren u zatvoru koji je sam dizajnirao. Morat će upotrijebiti svo svoje stručno iskustvo kako bi pobjegao i saznao tko mu je smjestio...



Razbijač 1993


Godina je 1996. Lovac najopasnijih zločinaca, policijski detektiv John Spartan (S. Stallone) nazvan "Razbijač", upravo pokušava uhititi psihopatskog kriminalca Simona Phoenixa (W. Snipes) koji u jednoj zgradi drži trideset talaca. U akciji je uništena cijela zgrada s taocima a uhićeni ubojica zakune se da je za njihovu smrt kriv policajac Spartan. Obojica su kažnjeni tako da su zaleđeni s "perspektivom" da budu odleđeni u budućnosti. Godina je 2032. Los Angeles se sad zove San Angeles i u njemu je ostvareno ono o čemu su sanjali svi utopisti: to je društvo mira i napretka koje ne poznaje nasilje i siromaštvo. Phoenixa vode na sud gdje bi ga trebali pustiti na uvjetnu slobodu no on pobije policajce i krene gradom u osvetnički pohod. Gradom upravlja miroljubivi gradonačelnik Raymond Cocteau (N. Hawthorne) s policijom koja je zaboravila što je nasilje. Mlada policajka Lenina Huxley (S. Bullock) sjeti se zaleđenog Spartana, jedine osobe koja može zaustaviti Phoenixa.



Leptir 1973


Pogrešno uhićen i optužen zbog ubojstva koje nije počinio, Francuz Henri Charierre zvan Leptir (S. McQueen) 1931. osuđen je na doživotnu kaznu teškog rada u kažnjeničkoj koloniji St. Laurent na Đavoljem otoku u Francuskoj Gvajani. Dok s ostalim osuđenicima plovi prema Đavoljem otoku, Leptir upozna Louisa Degaa (D. Hoffman), slavnog krivotvoritelja koji vjeruje da bi mu supruga i odvjetnik uskoro mogli ishoditi pomilovanje, te koji Leptira privoli da mu u zamjenu za novac bude zaštitnik. Iako je za prvi pokušaj bijega upravitelj Barrott (W. Smithers) odredio kaznu od dvije godine samice, za drugi pet godina, a za teže prijestupe i giljotinu, Leptir u dogovoru s Degaom odluči pod svaku cijenu pobjeći s Đavoljeg otoka.



Gangsteri 2009


John Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd i Baby Face Nelson, neuhvatljivi su pljačkaši banaka koji vladaju Amerikom 30-ih godina. Njihovu eksponiranost iskoristi J. Edgar Hoover, pa za Dillingerom, koji je sada postao državni neprijatelj broj 1, pošalje Melvina Purvisa, rastuću zvijezdu FBI-a.


Bijeg iz Alcatraza

Bijeg iz Alcatraza 1979


Frank Morris bivši je pljačkaš banaka te dosada uspješan bjegunac iz nekoliko američkih zatvora. No to bi se trebalo promijeniti njegovim dolaskom u Alcatraz, najstroži i najbolje čuvani zatvor na svijetu. Ali Frank ne odustaje te okuplja skupinu zatvorskih kolega uz koje pažljivo planira bijeg iz zatvora iz kojeg navodno nitko nije uspio pobjeći.



Hrid 1996


Biokemičar Stanley Goodspeed živi u Washingtonu i radi za FBI. Kada mu zaručnica Carla Pestalozzi kaže da je trudna, Stanleyja nazove šef James Womack i kaže mu da je na otoku Alcatrazu zatočen 81 turist. Marinski general Francis Xavier Hummel godinama je prosvjedovao protiv vladine odluke da obiteljima poginulih veterana ne isplati odštetu. Smrt supruge Barbare Hummel dovela ga je do ruba i sada želi ostvariti svoj cilj. Stanley je potreban jer je Himmel ukrao projektile i namjerava ih ispaliti na San Francisco ako njegovi uvjeti ne budu ispunjeni. Stanleyju će pomoći agent John Patrick Mason, koji je posljednjih 30 godina bio u zatvoru bez suđenja jer je ukrao privatne dosjee J. Edgara Hoovera. John je 1962. godine bio jedini zatvorenik koji je ikada pobjegao iz Alcatraza...



Prisoner 2004


Wrongfully accused of a crime she didn't commit, 13 year old Guadalupe Santos is sentenced to 30 years in jail, while in jail she gives birth to a baby girl who is taken from her by her older sister Milagros. 15 years later she escapes jail and meets with Daniel Moncada who turns out to be the brother of the man she was accused of killing.


Escape at Dannemora

Escape at Dannemora 2018


The stranger-than-fiction account of a prison break in upstate New York in the summer of 2015, which spawned a massive manhunt for two convicted murderers who were aided in their escape by a married female prison employee with whom they both became sexually entangled.



Shantaram 2022


Escaped convict Lin Ford flees to the teeming streets of 1980s Bombay, looking to disappear. Working as a medic for the city’s poor and neglected, Lin finds unexpected love, connection, and courage on the long road to redemption.


The New Adventures of Lucky Luke

The New Adventures of Lucky Luke 2001


The cowboy who draws a gun faster than his shadow is back! Lucky Luke, the famous wandering cowboy fights crime and injustice, most often in the form of the bumbling Dalton brothers. He rides Jolly Jumper, "the smartest horse in the world" and is often accompanied by Rantanplan, "the stupidest dog in the universe".


The Count of Monte-Cristo: Great Revenge

The Count of Monte-Cristo: Great Revenge 2018


Wrongfully imprisoned for 15 years despite his innocence, Dan Saimon manages to get out of his imprisonment at the risk of his own life, and makes a thrilling return as a fresh new character. This is a drama about a man, who, through his elaborate maneuvers and various clever entrapments fulfills his passionate revenge against those who stripped away all his glories. He seeks for the light that he had been striving for.



Colditz 2005


During World War II, the Germans convert the castle of Colditz into an escape-proof prison where recidivist escapees are imprisoned under one roof. The most accomplished escape artists are gathered there, brave soldiers who view escape not only as a challenge but as a duty, in order to harass and irritate German forces as much as they can.


Runaway: For Your Love

Runaway: For Your Love 2011


Four young people have been arrested for crimes they did not commit. When one of them learns that his daughter is in a critical condition because of an incurable heart ailment, he decides to break out of the jail. He is joined by three other prisoners who also decide to break out of jail. Although their motives and backgrounds are different, all of them are innocent and there are reasons why they cannot wait till their release. They have to get out of jail as soon as they can. So they band together and begin to plan their escape in order to accomplish their goals. Bound for Tokyo, they have to overcome frequent challenges for the sake of their families and loved ones.


Prison Break: Proof of Innocence

Prison Break: Proof of Innocence 2006


The story of Amber McCall as she attempts to uncover evidence to exonerate her friend, L.J. Burrows. A low-budget spin-off series of Prison Break made exclusively for mobile phones with each episode being approximately 2 minutes long. Although the story of this mobisode series revolve around the conspiracy that put Lincoln Burrows in jail, the series does not feature any of the actors from the TV series. Additionally, these episodes were not written by the team of writers from the TV series and the TV series does not acknowledge the events that occurred in this spinoff.


Bangkok Hilton

Bangkok Hilton 1989


This classic Australian mini series was originally broadcast in 1989 as three 90 minute episodes and tells the story of a young woman who goes in search of the father she has never known. Her search takes her from Australia to England and then on to Bangkok. There she meets up with a charming young man, Arkie Regan, who plants drugs in her luggage and leaves her to her fate when the authorities find them during a routine search at the airport. Following her imprisonment in the notorious Bangkok Hilton prison she awaits the decision of the authorities on whether she should face the death penalty.



Fugitifs 2013


Every year, dozens of inmates flee. This series presents spectacular escapes that occurred in Quebec. Narrated by prison guards, journalists and investigators, the breakouts are reconstructed with meticulousness and precision.


The Great Escape II: The Untold Story

The Great Escape II: The Untold Story 1988


A former POW leads a special task force to hunt down the culprits responsible for carrying out the orders to murder 50 of the 76 escapees from Stalag Luft III.



Escape 1980


Escape is an American anthology series that aired on the NBC network from February 11 to April 1, 1973. The show was a production of Jack Webb's Mark VII Limited for Universal Television. It aired on Sunday evenings at 10 p.m. Eastern, following the NBC Mystery Movie.



Jailbreak 2000


Jailbreak was a reality television game show. It was hosted by Craig Charles, and co-presented by Charlie Stayt and Ruth England. It was shown in 2000 by Five in the United Kingdom. Original host Ulrika Jonsson had to pull out of the project due to health concerns over her newborn child. Contestants in Jailbreak had to escape from a mock prison in order to win a cash prize of £100,000. The "prison", at a secret location near Potters Bar, Hertfordshire, was fitted with hi-tech security systems. "Inmates" faced a three-week authentic prison regime, complete with 35 prison guards and a 18-foot high fence topped with razor wire. A number of chinks in the security system were deliberately placed by the production team. Escapes were aided by a series of clues, and by texts from the viewing public with suggestions on escape routes. The show was won by three female contestants Roberta Woodhouse, 29, Hannah Davies, 24, and Laura Hawkins, 22. They broke out of the prison in the early hours of a Saturday morning - 14 days into the show. It has not been commissioned for a further series.