
Imaginarni 2024


Kada se Jessica sa svojom obitelji preseli u dom iz svog djetinjstva, njezina najmlađa kćer Alice razvije jezivu privrženost plišanom medvjediću kojeg zove Chauncey i koji se nalazi u podrumu. Alice s Chaunceyjem kreće igrati igre koje počinju razigrano, ali postaju sve zlokobnije. Kako Aliceino ponašanje postaje sve više zabrinjavajuće, Jessica intervenira i polako shvaća da je Chauncey puno više od plišanog medvjeda za kojeg je vjerovala da jest.



Pepeljuga 2004


Sam Montgomery jedna je od manje popularnih djevojaka u svojoj školi, koju skupina na čelu s bogatom i razmaženom Shelby Cummings neprestano zadirkuje i ogovara. Kada je imala samo 6 godina, Sam je ostala i bez svog oca, a kako on nije ostavio nikakvu pisanu oporuku, sav je imetak pripao njenoj zločestoj maćehi, koja Sam iscrpljuje do krajnjih granica poslom u njihovoj zalogajnici. Jedini predah koji Sam ima jest komuniciranje internetskom poštom i porukama putem mobitela s dečkom kojega zapravo ne poznaje. Kada se njih dvoje dogovore da se konačno upoznaju uživo na školskom plesu, Sam iskrsnu neodgodive obaveze u zalogajnici, a počne je tištiti i sumnja kako tajanstveni dečko neće htjeti ništa imati s njom kada vidi kako izgleda.


Gospodari pakla

Gospodari pakla 1987


Larry Cotton i njegova supruga Julia odluče useliti se u bivšu obiteljsku kuću Cottonovih u kojoj je zadnji živio Larryjev nestali polubrat Frank, inače Julijin bivši ljubavnik. Larry poziva i svoju kćer iz prvog braka Kirsty da dođe živjeti s njima. Julia ubrzo otkrije da u potkrovlju kuće živi Frank, ili bolje rečeno njegova tjelesna olupina: Frank je naime, u potrazi za krajnim granicama koje bi mogao prekoračiti, uspio pomoću tajanstvene kocke slagalice otvoriti vrata pakla, gdje su ga, izloživši ga strašnim mukama, dezintegrirali demoni Cenobiti. Međutim, kad su se Larry i Julia uselili u kuću, Larry se porezao, a iz kapi njegove krvi Frank je ponovno počeo sklapati svoje tijelo. Sad traži od Julije da mu pomogne da se potpuno fizički obnovi, a to je moguće samo ako mu Julia bude dovodila ljude od čije će se krvi obnavljati. Ona je užasnuta, ali pristaje, jer ju Frank neodoljivo privlači i sve bi učinila za njega...



Koliba 2020


Jeziva noćna mora režisera filma LAKU NOĆ, MAMICE, KOLIBA prati obitelj koja se tijekom praznika povukla u svoju udaljenu zimsku kolibu. Kad je otac (Richard Armitage) prisiljen naglo otići na posao, on ostavlja svoju djecu, Aidana (Jaeden Martell) i Miju (Lia McHugh) na skrbi svoje nove djevojke, Grace (Riley Keough). Izolirane i same, mećava ih zarobi unutar kolibe dok zastrašujući događaji prizivaju fantome iz Graceine mračne prošlosti.


Gospodari pakla 2

Gospodari pakla 2 1988


Nakon što joj oca i majku ubiju paklenska bića Cenobiti, mladoj Kirsty Cotton (A. Lawrence) nitko ne vjeruje te je poslana na liječenje u psihijatrijsku kliniku. Kliniku vodi neobičan, tajanstveni ali i briljantni psihijatar, dr. Channard (K. Cranham), koji zapravo godinama potajno traži ključ kako bi prodro u drugu dimenziju. Stoga on itekako vjeruje Kirstynim pričama i po njezinim uputama oživi lijepu i zlu Kirstynu maćehu Juliju (C. Higgins). Ona se vraća bez kože, koja će joj narasti tek nakon nekog vremena i upućuje doktora u tajne onozemnog. No one nisu tako bezazlene kao što se na prvi pogled čini. U Kirstynu priču je uvjeren i mladi Channardov asistent Kyle MacRae (W. Hope) koji joj svim srcem pokušava pomoći, no i on postane žrtva paklenske Julije. Kirsty je ipak uporna u namjeri da uništi Cenobite, a u tome joj je velika pomoć nijema, autistična djevojčica Tiffany (I. Boorman), uma naprosto stvorena za rješavanje zagonetki, pa tako i one o tajanstvenoj kutiji...



Fleabag 2016


A portrait into the mind of a dry-witted, sexual, angry, porn-watching, grief-riddled woman, trying to make sense of the world. As she hurls herself headlong at modern living, Fleabag is thrown roughly up against the walls of contemporary London, with all its frenetic energy, late nights, and bright lights.


The Outsider

The Outsider 2001


Rodrigo Junquera finds out he is close to death, he decides to ask the nanny of his young child, Virginia Martínez, a beautiful and honest woman, to marry him with the intention of preparing the road so she can look after his children when he's gone. Virginia has to deal with the contempt of Rodrigo's children who acuse her of being an ambitious woman who married their father for his money. Virginia is in love with Rodrigo's eldest son, Carlos Alberto, who has come to mistreat her after finding out she married his dad.


Instant Mom

Instant Mom 2013


Martini Mondays and tequila Tuesdays take a back seat to new step-motherhood when former party girl Stephanie marries Charlie, an older dad with three kids. Becoming an instant mom doesn't come with a rulebook, but it does come with a dose of humor as Stephanie traverses the fine line between being a friend and being a responsible parent.


Stepmom and Daughter Blues

Stepmom and Daughter Blues 2018


Eight-year-old Miyuki lost her mother several years ago and has since lived with just her father, Ryoichi. One day, she is suddenly introduced to Akiko, who is to be her new mother. Akiko uses her stellar business skills to try to win the little girl over, only to fail miserably. Ryoichi tries to reason with Miyuki, but to no avail. Akiko changes tactics and tries to get Shimoyama, a woman in the neighborhood who knows Miyuki well, on her side.


Wives and Daughters

Wives and Daughters 1999


Wives and Daughters is a 1999 four part BBC serial adapted from the novel Wives and Daughters: An Everyday Story by Victorian author Elizabeth Gaskell. It focuses on Molly Gibson (Justine Waddell), the daughter of the town doctor, and the changes that occur in her life after her widowed father chooses to remarry. The union brings into her once-quiet life an ever-proper stepmother (Francesca Annis) and flirtatious stepsister, Cynthia (Keeley Hawes), while a friendship with the local squire brings about an unexpected romance.


My Boys

My Boys 2009


Chisato is homeless and on the run from debt collectors, when a wealthy man offers to pay off her debt if she marries him for one month. However, Chisato discovers that there are clauses to the contract after he dies, which includes being the mother of his six sons.


Widower With Two Kids

Widower With Two Kids 2020


When Panu’s twin children Oley and Nene want Karaked, a teacher, to be their stepmom, the two start to play cupid. But their obstacles are General Samurjai, Karaked’s father who tries every way to intervene between Panu and Karaked and the twin’s maternal grandmother Khun Nuankae, who wants to take custody of the two children. So Panu must use his love and sincerity to prove to everyone.


Evil Stepmothers

Evil Stepmothers 2016


These real-life evil women are intent on making their family's lives a living hell. From dividing the family to dividing up bodies, these twisted and demented bloodthirsty step-monsters only have one thing in mind ... themselves.


Aik Nayee Cinderella

Aik Nayee Cinderella 2012


The story is about Meesha who lives with her two step sisters and step mother. She is mistreated by her step mother and does all the house hold work. Meesha meets the rich and dashing Mayer. Meesha, thinking that he is her prince charming, who has come to rescue her and put an end to all her troubles, tries to win his heart.