Kralj Staten Islanda

Kralj Staten Islanda 2020


Judd Apatow režira ovu komediju o mladiću koji, nakon smrti svog oca, izbjegava bilo kakvu odgovornost.


Ananas ekspres

Ananas ekspres 2008


Lijenčina Dale Denton (Rogen) ima samo jedan razlog zašto posjećuje svog jednako lijenog dilera Saula Silvera (Franco): kako bi kupio travu, točnije teško dostupnu novu sortu nazvanu Pineapple Express. No, kada Dave postane jedini svjedok ubojstvu koje počine pokvarena policajka (Perez) i najopasniji narko boss u gradu (Cole), uhvati ga panika i na mjestu zločina mu ispadne paketić Pineapple Expressa. Sada Dale ima još jedan razlog zbog kojeg posjećuje Saula: kako bi saznao da li je ta trava toliko teško dostupna da bi mu se preko nje moglo ući u trag. I ispada da jest. Dok Dale i Saul bježe pokušavajući spasiti živote, ubrzo otkrivaju da nisu paranoični od previše trave; za petama im se doista nalaze gangsteri koji ih pokušavaju ubiti na najbrži mogući način. Ukrcajte se na Pineapple Express.


Harold i Kumar

Harold i Kumar 2004


Nezadovoljni momci i najbolji prijatelji i cimeri Harold Lee (John Cho) i Kumar Patel (Kal Penn) puše marihuanu u svome stanu i ogladne. Neko vrijeme gledaju televiziju te ugledaju reklamu za restoran brze prehrane White Castle nakon koje požele sočne hamburgere. Potom pozovu Rosenberga (Eddie Kaye Thomas) i Goldsteina (David Krumholtz), svoja dva prijatelja Židova da im se pridruže, no oni ih odbiju jer žele gledati film u kojem Katie Holmes pokazuje svoje grudi. Harold i Kumar odlaze po klopu i otkrivaju da je restoran zatvoren. Drugi restoran iz istog lanca je udaljen 45 minuta vožnje...


Harold i Kumar: Bijeg iz Guantanama

Harold i Kumar: Bijeg iz Guantanama 2008


Na letu za Amsterdam, Harolda i Kumara zamijene za teroriste, i nakon hapšenja smjeste u zatvor Guantanamo… no, ne na dugo. Oni uspijevaju pobjeći i kreću na putovanje po cijeloj zemlji kako bi sprali ljagu sa svog imena i očarali djevojke njihovih snova! No, prvo će morati nadmudriti federalne agente, pobjeći Klanu i potražiti pomoć halucinirajućeg Neila Patricka Harrisa.


The High Court

The High Court 2017


Join Doug Benson as he presides over actual courtroom arguments. The catch? Judge Doug makes all his rulings while extremely high. After hearing both sides, Doug smokes up with a guest bailiff and deliberates. (And yes, this is legal. Somehow.)


Action Bronson and Friends Watch Ancient Aliens

Action Bronson and Friends Watch Ancient Aliens 2016


Following the success of his 4/20 special, Traveling the Stars: Ancient Aliens with Action Bronson and Friends, Bronson and co-host The Alchemist are back combining their two favorite things: the hit HISTORY series "Ancient Aliens" and smoking weed. Joined by his producers, friends, and special guests, Bronson will watch, comment on, and give the highest praise to some of the series' most iconic episodes.


Dope State

Dope State 2019


A six-episode docucomedy about the Gold Rush culture of the California weed industry starring the multidimensional Gabriel Sunday.


Bud Empire

Bud Empire 2018


Medical marijuana dispensary owner Bob Kay hopes to grow his business into a budding empire as big business and politicians threaten to make head shops like his history.


I've Got Munchies

I've Got Munchies 1970


Half-baked? Wholly sober? Entertaining some friends tonight? Just plain bored? You need I've Got Munchies, NYC’s “HIGH”larious cooking and comedy show featuring late-night snack worthy recipes, unruly sketches, puppets, animation and more. The series combines the seriously E-Z cooking ideas (Pop Tart Sandwiches, Candy Sushi) of puppet Mary Jane with some of the best improv performers in Manhattan for a half hour of the weirdest, funniest and most groundbreaking comedy that the city has to offer.