
Sindikat 2024


Građevinski radnik iz New Jerseyja prijeđe put od običnog čovjeka do špijuna kad ga njegova davno izgubljena srednjoškolska ljubav angažira za špijunsku misiju.


Tajna služba

Tajna služba 2016


Priča prati CIA agenta (Johnson) koji dolazi kući na proslavu mature. Tvrdeći da radi na tajnom slučaju, traži pomoć svojeg jedinog prijatelja iz srednje škole (Hart), koji je nekada bio srednjoškolska sportska zvijezda a sada radi kao računovođa i žali za svim propuštenim prilikama koje je imao u životu. Nakon šta se ponovo ujedini sa svojim starim prijateljem preko Facebooka, računovođa je primamljen i neplanirano ulazi u svijet međunarodne špijunaže.


Kameno srce

Kameno srce 2023


Obavještajna operativka koja radi za tajnovitu globalnu agenciju za očuvanje mira pokušava spriječiti hakericu da ukrade njezino najdragocjenije i najopasnije oružje.



Tenet 2020


Naoružan samo jednom riječju - Tenet - i boreći se za opstanak cijelog svijeta, glavni junak putuje kroz mračni svijet međunarodne špijunaže u misiji koja će se odvijati u nečemu izvan stvarnog vremena.


Operacija Fortune: Prevara stoljeća

Operacija Fortune: Prevara stoljeća 2023


Super špijun Orson mora pronaći i zaustaviti prodaju nove ubojite tehnologije koju prodaje milijarderski krijumčar oružja Greg Simmonds. Nevoljko udružen s ekipom najboljih operativaca na svijetu, Fortune i njegova ekipa regrutiraju najveću hollywoodsku filmsku zvijezdu Dannyja Francesca, da im pomogne u njihovoj misiji spašavanja svijeta.


U službi njenog Veličanstva

U službi njenog Veličanstva 1969


James Bond prati svoga zakletog neprijatelja, Ernsta Blofelda, do povlačenja na planinu gdje trenira vojsku lijepih, smrtonosnih žena. Usput, Bond pada na talijansku contessu Tracy Draco i oženi se njome kako bi se približio Blofeldu.


Nemoguća misija

Nemoguća misija 1996


Tom Cruise glumi tajnog agenta krivo optuženog za smrti svog špijunskog tima. Bježeći od vladinih ubojica, utrkuje se s vremenom da ostane korak ispred svojih progonitelja... I dođe korak bliže otkrivanju šokantne istine.


Bourneova nadmoć

Bourneova nadmoć 2004


Prošlost Jason Bournea vraća se po njega. U drugom dijelu sage o tri filma koja se temelji na životu Jason Bournea, bivšeg CIA-inog agenta koji gubi pamćenje i dok se bori da ga oporavi i otkrije tko je on, našao se uključen u mrežu špijunaže i vladine manipulacije od strane Sjedinjenih Država gdje će ga progoniti profesionalni ubojice, paravojni plaćenici i bivši CIA-ini drugovi. Film započinje u Goi u Indiji, gdje su Jason i Marie otišli živjeti da bi se sakrili od Treadstonea, ali tamo ima bivšu tvrtku agent ih locira i progoni. Jason Bourne započinje svoju avanturu da otkrije svoju prošlost sjećanjem se dijela toga i progoni agenta koji se također predstavlja kao on.


Umri drugi dan

Umri drugi dan 2002


Bond se bavi sjevernokorejskim vođom koji se podvrgava postupcima zamjene DNK koji mu omogućuju da preuzme različite identitete. Američki agent Jinx Johnson pomaže Bondu u pokušaju da uništi negativčeve planove za eksploataciju satelita koji se napaja solarnom energijom.


Bourneov ultimatum

Bourneov ultimatum 2007


Nakon što je izgubio pamćenje i jedinu osobu koju je volio, Bourne je prisiljen razotkriti svoju prošlost kako bi mogao imati budućnost. Putujući od Moskve, Pariza, Londona do Tangera i New Yorka, nastavlja potragu za pravim Jasonom Bourneom – cijelo vrijeme nastojeći nadmudriti brojne policajce, savezne časnike i Interpolove agente koji ga drže na nišanu.


Spy Kids: U vrtlogu vremena

Spy Kids: U vrtlogu vremena 2011


Marissa Cortez Wilson naizgled ima sve. Udala se za novinara koji otkriva špijune, ima bebu i pomajka je dvoje iznimno inteligentnih blizanaca. U stvarnosti - iznimno joj je teško pokušavati biti mama Rebecci i Cecilu, jer je oni ne žele u svom životu. Osim toga, njezin suprug ne bi prepoznao špijuna ni da živi s njim - što je u ovom slučaju i činjenica jer je Marissa bivša tajna agentica. Stvari se mijenjaju kad Marissu ponovno aktiviraju u službu kad sudbini svijeta zaprijeti strašni Timekeeper.



Sjever-sjeverozapad 1959


New York. Roger Thornhill, uspješni stručnjak za reklame, je slučajno dignuo ruku u jednom hotelu kada je concierge zvao nekog gospodina Georgea Kaplana da se javi na telefon. Od tog trenutka biva zamijenjen za Kaplana te otet od nekih kriminalaca. Oni ga odvedu u vilu nekog Phillipa Vandamma koji ga počne ispitivati. Kada mu Roger uporno počne odgovarati da nije Kaplan, ovi ga se odluče riješiti; prisilno ga napiju i puste u automobilu prema provaliji, kako bi izgledalo kao smrtni slučaj. No Roger se trgne i uspije preusmjeriti auto. No tada ga uhapsi policajac i optuži da je vozio pijan. Kada se vrati kući, čak mu niti majka neće vjerovati da je otet i prisiljen da je vozio.





World peace is at stake and secret agent Twilight must undergo his most difficult mission yet—pretend to be a family man. Posing as a loving husband and father, he'll infiltrate an elite school to get close to a high-profile politician. He has the perfect cover, except his wife's a deadly assassin and neither knows each other's identity. But someone does: his adopted daughter, who's a telepath!


Burn Notice

Burn Notice 2007


A formerly blacklisted spy uses his unique skills and training to help people in desperate situations.


Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan

Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan 2018


When CIA analyst Jack Ryan stumbles upon a suspicious series of bank transfers his search for answers pulls him from the safety of his desk job and catapults him into a deadly game of cat and mouse throughout Europe and the Middle East, with a rising terrorist figurehead preparing for a massive attack against the US and her allies.


Secret Invasion

Secret Invasion 2023


Nick Fury and Talos discover a faction of shapeshifting Skrulls who have been infiltrating Earth for years.



Tehran 2020


Tamar is a Mossad hacker-agent who infiltrates Tehran under a false identity to help destroy Iran's nuclear reactor. But when her mission fails, Tamar must plan an operation that will place everyone dear to her in jeopardy.


Mr. & Mrs. Smith

Mr. & Mrs. Smith 2024


Meet the Smiths: two lonely strangers, John and Jane, who have given up their lives and identities to be thrown together as partners – both in espionage and in marriage.



009-1 2006


In an alternate world, the Cold War has continued to persist for 140 years. As a result, the world was divided into two factions: the West Block, and the East Block. As the Cold War drags on, the tension between the two factions, as well as the amount of nuclear weapons they have, rise. Mylene Hoffman is a female cyborg who is a spy for the West Block. Together with three other agents, Mylene partakes in various missions issued by her superiors.


The Little Drummer Girl

The Little Drummer Girl 2018


Brilliant young actress Charlie strikes up an acquaintance with an intriguing stranger while on holiday in Greece, but it rapidly becomes apparent that his intentions are far from romantic.


Butterfly Shadow

Butterfly Shadow 2023


In November 1937, Shanghai fell into the hands of the Japanese army led by Wei Da Hong and Lin Qiu Yan. The underground party organization moved to underground work. In 1941, the Japanese army launched a top-secret "Popular Beauty Plan" in Shanghai, with the intention of using "counterfeit banknotes" to disrupt China's financial market and taking the opportunity to plunder China's precious cultural relics. The party's action group, headed by Wei Da Hong and Lin Qiu Yan, secretly acted, and on the way, met Tang Twenty-three, a fat man, a skinny monkey, and other young people


Black Doves

Black Doves 2024


When a spy's secret lover is killed, an assassin is assigned to protect her life as she investigates the murder. Together they uncover a vast interconnected conspiracy that leads them to question the cost of their moral choices.



Spycraft 2021


The spy game is a serious business, and throughout history, the tools and technologies developed for it have mattered as much as the spies themselves.


The Sect

The Sect 2024


In a captivating tale of sacrifice and rebirth, a brilliant hacker named Chen Ning dies to save humanity from a rogue AI, only to be reincarnated as the leader of a powerful sect in a realm of immortal cultivation. Chen Ning must maintain a low profile while handling new responsibilities and guarding against spies within his sect and the encroaching AI threat. Hidden beneath his cold exterior is a deep care for others, as he navigates a world of martial arts, mystical powers, and political intrigue. With the mysterious system agent Jiang Que at his side, Chen Ning unleashes his true potential and commands both allies and foes. As hidden truths of this mystical world reveal themselves, Chen Ning races against time, merging his hacking prowess with newfound mystical abilities, to thwart an impending apocalypse and save another world from destruction.



Totems 2022


Set in 1965 in the midst of the Cold War, Totems follows a French scientist, Francis Mareuil, as he begins working as a spy. While working for the French Secret Service and the CIA, Mareuil meets Lyudmila Goloubeva, a pianist forced to work for the KGB. A romance blossoms between them but neither can be sure what is an expression of their true feelings, and what is the fruit of political shenanigans…



Bonn 2023


Bonn depicts the rise of the young West Germany, a country struggling to break free from the terrors and legacies of World War II and longing for a 'normal' life. Into this heady and volatile mix steps Toni, a young woman determined to seize every opportunity, overcome every obstacle and make her own way in what is still a very male-dominated society. But what at first appears to be only an entry-level office job at one of the country's two competing secret services soon sucks her ever deeper into a clandestine world of suspicion



Thanksgiving 2019


Explore the evolution of a couple involved in industrial espionage.


Persons of Interest

Persons of Interest 2014


Four episodes, each featuring a "person of interest" — Roger Milliss, Michael Hyde, Gary Foley and Frank Hardy — exploring their previously secret ASIO intelligence file.



Counter-Intelligence 2013


A five-part documentary series that examines in-depth the influence of espionage agencies on governments and societies, both domestically and abroad.


The Easterngate

The Easterngate 1970


Follow the journey of Ewa Oginiec, who, after a personal drama, aims to exit the secret service and start over.