Samo za tvoje oči

Samo za tvoje oči 1981


Britanski špijunski brod potonuo je i na njemu se nalazio hi-tech uređaj za šifriranje. James Bond je poslan da pronađe uređaj koji sadrži britanske upute za lansiranje prije nego što ga neprijateljski Sovjeti prvi nađu.


Paklena rupa

Paklena rupa 2022


U Poljskoj 1987. godine policajac koji istražuje tajanstvene nestanke infiltrira se u izolirani samostan i otkrije mračnu tajnu o ondašnjem svećenstvu.


Monasteries of Europe

Monasteries of Europe 2018


What is happening today in European monasteries? Why do young people leave the “normal” world to devote their lives to spirituality? Let's embark on a journey to discover the sources of Europe and share the life of monastic communities from Ireland to Russia and from Greece to Germany.


Tudor Monastery Farm

Tudor Monastery Farm 2013


Historian Ruth Goodman and archaeologists Peter Ginn and Tom Pinfold turn the clock back 500 years to the early Tudor period to become tenant farmers on monastery land.


The Monastery

The Monastery 2006


Five men of varied backgrounds and faiths struggling to find their way—a former gang member, a recovering alcoholic, a cynic, a former Marine and an aspiring Episcopal priest—take a leap of faith and join a Benedictine monastery for 40 days. For the duration of their stay, they agree to the monastery’s strict rules and regimen of prayer, study, reflection and manual labor set out by St. Benedict 1,500 years ago — a regimen that the monks believe, if followed correctly, can transform lives.