Svjetski rat Z

Svjetski rat Z 2013


Jednog običnog dana Gerry Lane i njegova obitelj našli su se usred velikog prometnog zastoja. Bivši UN-ov istražitelj, Lane je predosjetio da se ne radi o običnoj gužvi. Policijski helikopteri letjeli su nebom, motori divljali po cestama, a u gradu je naglo zavladao kaos. Zbog nečega su ljudi počeli divlje napadati jedni druge – zbog ubojitog virusa koji se širi putem jednog jedinog ugriza i pretvara zdrave pojedince u nešto neprepoznatljivo i životinjsko. Susjed napada susjeda, stranac koji vam je htio pomoći odjednom postaje opasni neprijatelj. Ne zna se kako se pojavio virus i broj zaraženih naglo raste svaki dan. Svijetom je zavladala pandemija. Zaraženi su porazili svjetske vojske i srušili njihove vlade. Lane je primoran vratiti se svojem opasnom prijašnjem životu kako bi osigurao sigurnost svoje obitelji, te povesti očajnu potragu po cijelom svijetu za izvorom epidemije i nečime što je može zaustaviti.


Kraljevstvo nebesko

Kraljevstvo nebesko 2005


Srednjovjekovna Francuska 1184. godine. Markantni Balian (O. Bloom) mladi je kovač koji nakon tragične smrti djeteta i samoubojstva supruge dozna da je njegov pravi otac utjecajni križarski plemić Godfrey od Ibelina (L. Neeson). Prisiljen zbog ubojstva svećenika pobjeći, Balian se pridruži ocu te s njim krene na dugo putovanje prema Messini. Uči rukovati mačem i boriti se, te naposljetku primi i titulu križarskog viteza. Godfrey je u jednom sukobu smrtno ranjen, a posljednja mu je želja da Balian u pratnji njegova odanog pomoćnika Hospitalera (D. Thewlis) ode u Jeruzalem.


Ben Hur

Ben Hur 1959


Židovski princ Judah Ben-Hur (Charlton Heston) dobar je gospodar svojim robovima, ponosan čovjek dostojan titule koju obnaša na početku novog tisućljeća. Naznaka teških vremena za njega i njegovu obitelj dolazi povećavanjem broja rimskih vojnika u regiji. Nove snage dolaze u Jeruzalem pod vodstvom Massale (Stephen Boyd), Ben-Hurovog starog prijatelja prijatelja iz djetinjstva.


Lawrence od Arabije

Lawrence od Arabije 1962


Kontroverzni vojnik i pustolov T. E. Lawrence gine u prometnoj nesreći, vozeći motocikl. Nakon komemoracije, među prisutnima se povede razgovor o pokojniku. Ključno razdoblje pokojnikova života bio je Prvi svjetski rat. U to doba Lawrence je bio poručnik britanske vojske u Kairu. Ljubitelj arapske kulture, Lawrence je bio na glasu kao svojeglav i neposlušan časnik. Ipak, zbog poznavanja arapske kulture, Lawrence je poslan u misiju kako bi istražio šanse arapskog princa Faisala u pobuni protiv Turaka. Izuzetno šarmantan i snalažljiv, Lawrence postaje važan čimbenik u događajima koji će promijeniti povijest…



Uskrsnuće 2016


Kako bi opovrgnuli glasine o uskrsnuću židovskog propovjednika, umorni rimski tribun i njegov mladi pomoćnik krenu u potragu za nestalim tijelom tog raspetog čovjeka.



Mary 2005




Shtisel 2013


Akiva and Shulem Shtisel, father and son, sit on a little balcony overlooking streets of the Geula neighborhood of Jerusalem. A year has passed since the mother died. All the other children have left the nest, and only Shulam and Akiva remain - quarreling, making up, and laughing about themselves and the rest of the world. All will change when Akiva meets Elisheva.


Friends and Heroes

Friends and Heroes 2007


Friends and Heroes is a Christian children's program that airs on TBN, Smile of a Child TV, and was also shown on BBC TV. The show is both traditionally animated and computer animated. It takes place from 69 - 71 AD. There are three series each of 13 Episodes: Series 1 is set in Alexandria, Egypt; Series 2 in Jerusalem and Series 3 in Rome. The series was created by Brian D. Brown and Eric J. Danenberg, who also worked on The Storykeepers.



Srugim 2008


Srugim follows a group of 30-something modern religious singles in the Katamon neighbourhood of Jerusalem as they attempt to navigate the frequently contradictory worlds of contemporary Israel and traditional observance.



Dig 2015


When FBI Agent Peter Connelly, recently stationed in Jerusalem, begins investigating the murder of a young American, he realizes that he’s uncovered an ancient international conspiracy that threatens to change the course of human history. Certain that the dangerous prophecy is nearing fruition, Peter must race against the clock to unravel its mystery. From a remote farm in Norway, to an enigmatic compound in New Mexico, to the serpentine tunnels of Jerusalem, he searches for the truth, the revelation of which will shake the world's beliefs to its very core.


Ben Hur

Ben Hur 2010


The struggle between the Roman Empire and its rebellious conquest Judaea, and two best friends caught in a terrible moment in history.


The Passion

The Passion 2008


The Passion is a television drama serial that tells the story of the last week in the life of Jesus.


Our Boys

Our Boys 2019


Three Jewish teenagers are kidnapped and murdered by Hamas militants in the summer of 2014, leading to the retaliatory killing of 16-year-old Palestinian Muhammad Abu Khdeir and a conflict that forever changes the lives of Jews and Arabs alike.


The Dovekeepers

The Dovekeepers 2015


Set in ancient Israel, The Dovekeepers is based on the true events at Masada in 70 C.E. After being forced out of their home in Jerusalem by the Romans, 900 Jews were ensconced in a fortress at Masada, a mountain in the Judean desert. Besieged at Masada, the Jews held out for months against the vast Roman armies. The events are recounted from the perspective of a few extraordinary women who arrive at Masada with unique backstories, but a common bond for survival. Additionally, these women, who work together daily as dovekeepers, are all concealing substantial secrets. This four-hour limited event series is based on Alice Hoffman's bestselling, critically acclaimed historical novel.



Autonomies 2018


In an alternate reality of present day Israel, a Haredi wheeler-dealer named Broide makes his living smuggling minor contraband between the secular “State of Israel” and the ultra-Orthodox “Haredi Autonomy” in Jerusalem. One day he receives a life-changing job offer: kidnap a little girl at the heart of a custody battle between two families - one Haredi and one secular.


Jerusalem: The Making of a Holy City

Jerusalem: The Making of a Holy City 2011


Author and historian Simon Sebag Montefiore presents a three-part series that illuminates the history of the sacred, and peerlessly beautiful city - Jerusalem.