Planet majmuna: Novo kraljevstvo

Planet majmuna: Novo kraljevstvo 2024


Redatelj Wes Ball udahnuo je novi život globalnoj, epskoj franšizi koja se odvija nakon Cezarove vladavine nekoliko generacija u budućnosti, u kojoj su majmuni dominantna vrsta koja živi skladno, dok je ljudska vrsta svedena na život u sjeni. Dok novi tiranski vođa majmuna gradi svoje carstvo, jedan mladi majmun odlučuje se na mučno putovanje koje će ga natjerati da preispita sve što je znao o prošlosti i donese odluke koje će definirati budućnost njegove vrste, i ljudske također.


Planet majmuna: Rat

Planet majmuna: Rat 2017


Cezar i njegovi majmuni prisiljeni su na smrtonosni sukob s vojskom ljudi koju vodi okrutni Pukovnik. Nakon što majmuni dožive teške gubitke, Cezar se hrva sa svojim mračnijim instinktima i kreće u vlastitu mitsku potragu za osvetom.


2001: Odiseja u svemiru

2001: Odiseja u svemiru 1968


Astronaut David Bowmann (K. Dullea) pozvan je u glavni stožer svemirskih istraživanja da preuzme, zajedno sa svojom skupinom, nov i vrlo neobičan zadatak. Zapovijed je dokučiti tajanstvenu, misterioznu funkciju geometrijski pravilnog crnog monolita iz Mjesečeva kratera. Kontrola leta povjerena je najnovijem modelu računala - HAL-u 9000. No, računalo zakazuje i David ostaje u svemiru doživjevši potpunu preobrazbu.


Carstvo vatre

Carstvo vatre 2002


U današnjem Londonu Quinn, 12-godišnji dječak, pogrešno probudi ogromnog zmaja iz svoje stoljetne letargije. Dvadeset godina kasnije razorne posljedice prolaska zvijeri i njezina potomstva mogu se vidjeti na gotovo cijelom planetu. Zmajevi su izuzetno inteligentna, visoko evoluirana bića… i nemaju namjeru dijeliti Zemlju s ljudima. Quinn je odrasla i sada je vatrogasna glava. Njegova je zadaća držati podalje zvijeri i obraniti malu zajednicu koja se bori za njihov opstanak. Usred ovog kaosa pojavljuje se Van Zan, američki poduzetnik koji tvrdi da zna ubiti zmajeve i spasiti čovječanstvo; a također i metodom koju Quinn nikad prije nije vidjela upotrijebiti…


Duh u oklopu

Duh u oklopu 2017


Radnja je smještena u 2029. godinu kada su mnogi ljudi postali kiborzi zamijenivši neke svoje dijelove tijela umjetnim implantatima. No mozak se ne može zamijeniti te on predstavlja 'duha' tj. ljudski identitet koji se nalazi u oklopu mehaničkog tijela. Radnja filma prati kibernetičku policajku (Scarlet Johansson) koja vodi elitnu anti-terorističku postrojbu pod nazivom Sektor 9 zaduženu za najopasnije kriminalce.



Evolucija 2001


Doktor Ira Kane (David Duchovny), nečasno otpušten bivši vladin znanstvenik, sada zaposlen na malom fakultetu u Arizoni, pozvan je zajedno sa svojim prijateljem, profesorom Harryjem Blockom (Orlando Jones), istražiti poprište pada meteora, koje je prvi primijetio mladi Wayne (Seann William Scott), koji očajnički želi postati vatrogasac. Kane vrlo brzo otkriva kako je meteor zapravo svojevrsno prijevozno sredstvo vanzemaljaca, a unatoč njegovoj prvotnoj želji da saznanje zadrži u što manjem krugu ljudi, vlada šalje svoju izaslanicu, predivnu i samo na posao usredotočenu Allison (Julianne Moore), kako bi preuzela kontrolu. Dok se dvoje znanstvenika prepire oko odgovornosti i zasluga, sudbina Zemlje ne čini se baš zavidnom.


Podrhtavanje 3

Podrhtavanje 3 2001


U trećem nastavku vraćamo se u malo mjesto u Nevadi. Tamo se vraća i Burt Gummer, pustolov, koji je putovao tražeći i ubijajući čudovišta iz prva dva nastavka filma. Tamo će se ponovo suočiti sa ogromnim crvima ali i sa još nekim vrlo nezgodnim problemima.



Mimic 1997


U Manhattanu žohari šire smrtonosnu zaraznu bolest koja uzima stotine života gradske djece. Stoga entomologica Susan Tyler (Mira Sorvino) koristi tehnike genetskog inženjeringa kako bi stvorila ono što ona i njezin kolega i suprug Peter Mann (Jeremy Northam), nazivaju Juda vrstom (Judas Breed). Juda vrsta je zapravo naziv za krupne kukce koji se hrane štetočinama koje prenose prethodno spomenutu zaraznu bolest. Mutantska je vrsta trebala izumrijeti nakon samo jedne generacije no nakon tri godine Susan otkriva kako je vrsta uspjela ne samo preživjeti nego toliko napredovati da mogu oponašati ljudski oblik i uništiti čovječanstvo.


To Your Eternity

To Your Eternity 2021


In the beginning, an "orb" is cast unto Earth. "It" can do two things: change into the form of the thing that stimulates "it"; and come back to life after death. "It" morphs from orb to rock, then to wolf, and finally to boy, but roams about like a newborn who knows nothing. As a boy, "it" becomes Fushi. Through encounters with human kindness, Fushi not only gains survival skills, but grows as a "person". But his journey is darkened by the inexplicable and destructive enemy Nokker, as well as cruel partings with the people he loves.


Cosmos: A Personal Voyage

Cosmos: A Personal Voyage 1980


Carl Sagan covers a wide range of scientific subjects, including the origin of life and a perspective of our place in the universe.


One Strange Rock

One Strange Rock 2018


A mind-bending, thrilling journey exploring the fragility and wonder of planet Earth, one of the most peculiar, unique places in the entire universe, brought to life by the only people to have left it behind – the world’s most well known and leading astronauts.



Life 2009


David Attenborough looks at the extraordinary ends to which animals and plants go in order to survive. Featuring epic spectacles, amazing TV firsts and examples of new wildlife behaviour.


David Attenborough's Natural Curiosities

David Attenborough's Natural Curiosities 2013


Sir David shines the spotlight on some of nature’s evolutionary anomalies and reveals how these curious animals continue to baffle and fascinate.


Origins: The Journey of Humankind

Origins: The Journey of Humankind 2017


Hosted by Jason Silva, Origins: The Journey of Humankind rewinds all the way back to the beginning and traces the innovations that made us modern.


Life on Earth

Life on Earth 1979


The story of life, from the first primitive cells to the plants and animals that now live around us.


First Peoples

First Peoples 2015


A five-part series that features the latest research exploring how early humans evolved. See how the mixing of prehistoric human genes led the way for our species to survive and thrive around the globe. Archaeology, genetics and anthropology cast new light on 200,000 years of history, detailing how early humans became dominant.


Voyage of the Continents

Voyage of the Continents 2012


This extraordinary series is a sweeping account of the rise of Earth’s continents. They are the product of a grand waltz of plate tectonics and the continual evolution of Earth’s crust. As landmasses assemble and separate, they fuel volcanoes and spark earthquakes, building mountains and tearing valleys. We see the Earth, eons in the making, through the eyes of geologists and other scientists.


James Brown: Say It Loud

James Brown: Say It Loud 2024


Traces the incredible trajectory of Brown’s life and career from a 7th grade drop-out arrested and jailed at the age of 16 for breaking into a car in the Jim Crow-era South, to an entertainment legend whose groundbreaking talent and unique perspective catapulted him to become a cultural force.


Evolution Earth

Evolution Earth 2023


Traveling to the far corners of the world, we discover the extraordinary ways animals are adapting to our rapidly changing planet. We witness nature’s remarkable resilience, as our perception of evolution and its potential is forever transformed.


The Great Dyings

The Great Dyings 2023


Life is a fragile thing. It changes and adapts so specifically to survive in the environment it's placed in. This ability to adapt is called evolution, and it's the reason that life has endured for the past few billion years. But evolution takes a long time, so when environments change too quickly for the inhabitants to keep up, the result is a drop in population or at the worst… extinction. And sometimes these changes can be so big that they affect the entire globe. Leading to some of the most catastrophic events in our planet’s history… mass extinctions. Content creator Angel of Death explores the five mass extinctions and the effects they had on life on earth in this five part miniseries.


The Great Acceleration

The Great Acceleration 2020


This remarkable science-history series investigates the blistering pace of human endeavour in space exploration, computing, energy, resources, Earth science and our understanding of the evolution of life itself.


Mankind Decoded

Mankind Decoded 2013


Mankind Decoded is the intriguing story of how 12 timeless forces have shaped human history in extraordinary ways. Find out how the implacable forces of nature have compelled us to adapt or die; how new technologies have transformed our existence; how our need for food brought forth civilization; and the desire for luxuries changed our world.


Wonders of Life

Wonders of Life 2013


Physicist and professor Brian Cox travels across the globe to uncover the secrets of the most extraordinary phenomenon in the universe: life.


Kingdom of Plants

Kingdom of Plants 2012


Sir David discovers a microscopic world that’s invisible to the naked eye, where insects feed and breed, where flowers fluoresce and where plants communicate with each other and with animals using scent and sound.


First Life

First Life 2010


Sir David Attenborough goes back in time to the roots of the tree of life, in search of the very first animals, telling their story with stunning photography, state of the art visual effects and the captivating charm of the world’s favorite naturalist.


The Genius of Charles Darwin

The Genius of Charles Darwin 2008


The Genius of Charles Darwin is a three-part television documentary, written and presented by evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins. It was first shown in August 2008 on Channel 4. It won Best TV Documentary Series 2008 at the British Broadcast Awards in January 2009.