Posljednji samuraj

Posljednji samuraj 2003


Kapetan Nathan Algren nestalna je osoba. Bitke koje je nekada vodio, sad se čine dalekim i uzaludnim. Nekada je riskirao život za čast i domovinu, no svijet se promijenio u godinama nakon Američkog građanskog rata. Pragmatizam je zamijenio hrabrost, osobni interes nalazi se ispred žrtvovanja, a časti nigdje nama na vidiku – naročito na Zapadu gdje je njegova uloga u Indijanskim kampanjama završila razočaranjem i tugom.


Aleksandar Veliki

Aleksandar Veliki 2004


Bilo je to za mnoge ljude: zgodan kralj ratnika pun ambicija, hrabrosti i bahatosti mladosti, vodio je svoju malu vojsku protiv divovskih perzijskih snaga ... sin koji očajnički traži odobrenje svog strogog oca, očvrsnuo bitka, i koji se borio između njegove odanosti tome i ljubavi prema svojoj majci ... nemilosrdnog osvajača koji nikad nije izgubio bitku i gurnuo je svoje vojnike na krajeve poznatog svijeta ... vizionara, čije su snove, podvige i sudbine ostavili njihov trag u povijesti, pomažući oblikovati naš svijet danas. Bio je sve to i više. Bio je Aleksandar Veliki.


Zlato za odvažne

Zlato za odvažne 1970


Tijekom drugog svjetskog rata, Kelly (Clint Eastwood), bivši poručnik koji je kao žrtveno janje izgubio čin, zarobi njemačkog pukovnika te ga napije kako bi izvukao informacije. Zahvaljujući lukavom ispitivanju Kelly saznaje zanimljivu informaciju, u Clairemontu, gradu iza neprijateljskih linija, se nalazi banka prepuna njemačkog zlata. Točnije, 14 000 zlatnih poluga koje samo čekaju nekog dovoljnog poduzetnog da ih pokupi. Kelly uskoro okuplja skupinu vojnika koja bi bila u stanju izvesti taj pothvat. Među njima su : skeptični viši narednik "Big Joe" (Telly Savalas); pohlepni narednik nabave "Crapgame" (Don Rickles); uvijek opušteni vozač tenka "Oddball" (Donald Sutherland) i nekolica drugih. Ovaj puta oni se bore samo za sebe.



No 2012



Dimension 20

Dimension 20 2018


Heed the call of adventure and enter Dimension 20 where Game Master Brennan Lee Mulligan, joined by comedians and pro gamers, blends comedy with tabletop RPGs.


SDGs Mini Drama

SDGs Mini Drama 2021


An irregularly broadcast omnibus series of two-minute mini-dramas based on the 17 goals of the SDGs (UN's "Sustainable Development Goals"). In these short stories, a message is conveyed that we should work together to achieve a society where no one is left behind, and how Japanese society, culture, and traditions are facing each goal.



GODKILLER: Last Hope 2024


This is not a story about killing gods. GODKILLER: LAST HOPE is Transplanar RPG's first ever in-studio actual play series. Episodes premiere weekly Saturdays at 8pm ET. LAST HOPE is a standalone series and perfect for those new to our campaigns, though it is set in the same world as Arc Two of The Chaos Protocol. LAST HOPE utilizes Godkiller RPG by Connie Chang. The ashcan is available at http://byconniechang.itch.io/ and the full game will be published with Evil Hat Productions in 2025.


Trope RPG: Hush Valley

Trope RPG: Hush Valley 2024


It's Trope RPG: Hush Valley! A new four-part comedy role playing series from creator Millie Holten, featuring comedians Mark Bonanno (Aunty Donna), Mish Wittrup, Harry Jun, Bec Petraitis, and game director Matthew Jackson. It's horror parody, improv, and chaos!


Campaigns in the Pacific 1939-1943 Pearl Harbor to the Gilberts

Campaigns in the Pacific 1939-1943 Pearl Harbor to the Gilberts 2006


Campaigns In The Pacific 1939-1943: Pearl Harbor To The Gilberts The Gilberts Campaigns in the Pacific chronicles the epic struggle of America and her allies against Imperial Japan: fighting vast air, land and sea battles across an ocean covering two-thirds of the world's surface. Waged against the background of the war in Europe, the Pacific campaign made WWII a truly global conflict. This DVD takes you from the devastating surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, to the American and allied battles to recapture the Gilbert Islands of Makin and Tarawa. The outcome is far from certain as America rebuilds her Navy, ravaged by Japanese bombers at Pearl Harbor. With rare footage from the National Archives in Washington DC, Campaigns in the Pacific lets you ex'perience the sights, sounds, and drama of this brutal war.