Ključna riječ Key
Matrix Reloaded 2003
Zbliživši se s Trinity, Neo je u njoj pronašao ženu svog života, ali ga muče tjeskobni snovi o djevojčinoj pogibiji. Istodobno, neuništivi agent Smith, udarna snaga Matrice kreirana za uklanjanje mogućih pogrešaka sustava, postaje sve moćniji i stječe sposobnost umnogostručivanja. Zionom, posljednjim uporištem ljudskog otpora strojevima smještenom duboko pod površinom Zemlje, vlada vijeće kancelara među kojima u Nea najviše vjeruje iskusni Hamann. Prilikom još jednog razgovora s Oracle, tijekom kojeg posumnja da je i ona dio Matrice, Neo dozna da što prije mora pronaći Ključara, čovjeka uz čiju pomoć bi mogao doprijeti do samog Arhitekta, stvoritelja Matrice. No da bi pronašao Ključara, Neo se mora susresti s podlim Merovingianom, šefom podzemlja i ljubavnikom lijepe Persephone...
Matrix Revolutions 2003
Spašavajući smrtno ranjenu Trinity i boreći se protiv agenta Smitha, okretni Neo, Odabrani kojem je proročica Oracle predvidjela ključnu ulogu u oslobađanju ljudi od vlasti parazitskih strojeva, i sam je teško ranjen pao u komu. Dok on na virtualnoj postaji podzemne željeznice mora odabrati između života i smrti, u čemu bi mu mogli pomoći inženjer Rama-Kandra, otac djevojčice Sati, i zagonetni Skretničar, Morpheus, Trinity i Dječak suprotstavljaju se zlom Merovingianu. Kad se vrati među žive, Neo shvati da se mora vratiti izvoru i spoznati sama sebe, jer agent Smith svakim trenutkom postaje sve snažniji i opasniji. O ishodu njihova sukoba ovisi budućnost čovječanstva i pobjeda nad Matricom. U međuvremenu, strojevi se približavaju Zionu, a u obrani kolonije sudjeluje i odvažna Zee, supruga Neova suborca Linka. Istodobno, izdajnik Bane ubojstvom liječnice pokaže svoje pravo lice...
Igra 1997
Život hladnog investicijskog bankara postane opasan i paranoičan kada mu brat pokloni neobičan rođendanski dar: priliku da zaigra tajanstvenu igru.
Bulevar zločina 2001
Poslije teške prometne nesreće u Los Angelesu, Rita ostaje jedina preživela, ali ima za posljedicu totalu amneziju. Lutajući po njoj sada stranom dijelu centra grada, njezina se priča čudno isprepliće sa Betty, mladom ženom blistavih očiju u potrazi za srećom na filmu u Hollywoodu. Međutim Bett, intrigirana Ritinom situacijom, ostavlja trenutno po strani svoje snove u želji da joj pomogne riješiti njenu misteriju. Dvije žene ubrzo otkrivaju da ništa nije kao što izgleda u tom gradu snova. Obje bivaju uvučene u psihotičnu iluziju koja se tiče opasne plave kutije, direktora Adama Keshera, kao i misterioznog noćnog kluba ‘Silencio'.
Hugo 2011
Escape Room 2019
Šest stranaca nađe se u okolnostima koje su izvan njihove kontrole i moraju koristiti svoje znanje kako bi preživjeli.
Trokut 2009
Priča je usredotočena na putnike krstarenja po Atlantskom oceanu koji, nakon što ih pogode tajanstvene vremenske neprilike, prelaze na drugi brod na kojemu se suočavaju s još većim nevremenom na otvorenomu moru.
Choses secrètes 2002
Ključ tajni 2005
Žena preuzima posao medicinske sestre za palijativnu skrb kod para koji živi u kući u New Orleansu koja ima problematičnu povijest.
Caveat 2021
千年女優 2002
No Escape Room 2018
Mreže poslijepodneva 1943
Nisekoi 2014
Nisekoi follows high school students Raku Ichijo, the son of a leader in the yakuza faction Shuei-Gumi, and Chitoge Kirisaki, the daughter of a boss in a rival gang known as Beehive. They unexpectedly meet when Chitoge hops a wall and knees Raku in the face. After she runs off, Raku realizes he has lost his locket which was given to him by his childhood sweetheart with whom he made a secret promise. After discovering Chitoge is a new transfer student in his class, he forces her to help him look for the locket. During the search, they begin to dislike each other.[8] Upon returning home, Raku learns that the Shuei-Gumi and Beehive gangs have agreed to settle their feud by pairing their leaders' children. Raku learns that his girlfriend-to-be is none other than Chitoge. For the next three years, they must pretend to be in a relationship to maintain peace between the gangs. This turns out to be quite a challenging task, not only because of their hatred for one another, but also because Raku has a crush on another schoolmate, Kosaki Onodera, whom he secretly wishes was the girl who bears the key to his locket. Various developments complicate the situation, including Chitoge's over-protective bodyguard, a female hitman, a girl who claims to be Raku's fiancée, and the existence of multiple keys.
Madan Senki Ryukendo 2006
Akebono City is a peaceful community overflowing with humanity. Since there was a Power Spot that released the magical power in the community, the people were distressed by the threat of the demon army Jamanga who are gathering Minus Energy (マイナスエネルギー Mainasu Enerugī) from the frightened masses for a sinister purpose. The secret organization S.H.O.T. was formed to protect the people of the community from the Jamanga, concealing their existence as ordinary members of the Akebono Police Station, which considers demons beyond their jurisdiction. Kenji Narukami, a student of the Narukami Dragon God Style (鳴神龍神流 Narukami Ryūjinryū) for fighting demons, arrives at Akebono to fight the demons, eventually getting his wish when he is transformed to RyuKenDo and faces off against Jamanga's forces together with his friends to restore peace in the community.
Ultraman Taiga 2019
Aliens have been emigrating to Earth secretly, but only a handful knows about this truth. Living in such a society, the main character Hiroyuki Kudo begins working at a private security organization E.G.I.S. (Enterprise of Guard and Investigation Services). The organization takes care of cases related with aliens, and Hiroyuki works day and night to protect peace. However, there lies a huge secret in him, which he himself is not aware of. He carries Ultraman Taiga’s “particle of light”. The new story begins as Taiga’s powers revive from Hiroyuki’s body!
You vs. Wild 2019
In this interactive series, you'll make key decisions to help Bear Grylls survive, thrive and complete missions in the harshest environments on Earth.