Zelena milja

Zelena milja 1999


Drama u kojoj se zatvorski čuvari susreću s nevino optuženim zatvorenikom osuđenim na smrt koji ima čudesne, iscjeliteljske moći. U saveznoj državi Lousianne u SAD-u tridesetih godina prošlog stoljeća nalazi se zatvor za osuđene na smrtnu kaznu. Šef odjela je Paul Edgecomb koji nastoji posljednje dane tih ljudi učiniti što je moguće dostojanstvenijima i mirnijima. I ostalo je osoblje humano, pouzdano i sposobno. Iznimka je samo prznica i sadist Percy Wetmore, s dobrim vezama među političarima. Ipak, Edgecomb i njega uspješno drži pod kontrolom, iako sam pati od nepodnošljivo bolnih mokraćnih smetnji. Sve će se promijeniti toga ljeta kad u ćeliju dođe novi osuđenik, crnac John Coffey, zatvoren zbog silovanja i umorstva dviju djevojčica. Njegova nevina dobroćudnost u nesrazmjeru je s navodnim zločinom, i to Edgecombu, kao i svima ostalima, odmah upada u oči. A događaji koji slijede učvrstit će njihovu vjeru u Johnovu nevinost i otkriti njegove neobične sposobnosti.



Sluškinja 2016


Koreja 30-ih godina 20. stoljeća, tijekom japanske kolonizacije. Priča prati bivšeg osuđenika koji planira prevariti bogatu Japanku kako bi se domogao njezinog nasljedstva, koristeći siromašnu djevojku kao sluškinju da bi mu pomogla u izvršenju plana. Sluškinja se brzo pretvara u složeni triler prožet erotikom, gdje se granice između obmane, strasti i osvete neprimjetno prepliću.


Jedan život

Jedan život 2023


Istinita priča o Sir Nicholasu ‘Nickyu’ Wintonu, mladom brokeru iz Londona, koji je zajedno s Trevorom Chadwickom i Doreen Warriner iz Britanskog odbora za izbjeglice u Čehoslovačkoj, spasio 669 djece od nacističkih progona u mjesecima prije Drugog svjetskog rata. Nicky je posjetio Prag u prosincu 1938. godine i pronašao obitelji koje su pobjegle pred usponom nacista u Njemačkoj i Austriji, živeći u očajnim uvjetima s malo ili nimalo skloništa i hrane, te pod prijetnjom nacističke invazije. Shvatio je da je počinje utrka s vremenom. Koliko djece on i njegov tim mogu spasiti prije nego što se granice zatvore?


Čudesne zvijeri: Dumbledorove tajne

Čudesne zvijeri: Dumbledorove tajne 2022


Profesor Albus Dumbledore shvaća da veliki mračni čarobnjak Gellert Grindelwald želi preuzeti kontrolu nad čarobnjačkim svijetom. Kako ga ne može sam zaustaviti, pomaže mu Newt Scamander, koji predvodi neustrašivu ekipu čarobnjaka uz pomoć jednog “bezjaka”. Na nevjerojatnoj misiji susrest će se stare i nove čudesne zvijeri od kojih je dio na Grindelwaldovoj strani. Dumbledore međutim zbog velikog rizika i opasnosti neće dugo ostati po strani.


Indiana Jones: Otimači izgubljenog kovčega

Indiana Jones: Otimači izgubljenog kovčega 1981


Glasovitog arheologa i stručnjaka za okultno dr. Indianu Jones angažirala je američka vlada da pronađe Zavjetni kovčeg za koji se vjeruje da i dalje sadrži Deset Božjih zapovijedi. Nažalost, neprijateljski agenti također žele pronaći kovčeg kako bi zagospodarili svijetom, a Indy i njegova stara ljubav Marion prisiljeni su upustiti se u uzbudljivu pustolovinu, od mračnih džungli Južne Amerike do užurbanih tržnica Kaira kako bi se prvi domogli kovčega i spasili svijet.


Povratak mumije

Povratak mumije 2001


Godina je 1933. Prošlo je osam godina otkad su se hrabri legionar Rick O'Connell i neustrašiva egiptologinja Evelyn borili za život protiv 3000 godina starog neprijatelja zvanog Imhotep. Rick i Evelyn sada su u braku te žive u Londonu sa svojim sinom Alexom. Niz događaja prouzročit će uskrsnuće Imhotepove mumije u Britanskome muzeju te će on još jedanput kročiti zemljom u potrazi za besmrtnošću. Međutim, jedna druga sila također je puštena na svijet, sila stvorena u najmračnijim obredima drevnoga egipatskog misticizma, i čak moćnija od Imhotepa. Kada se ove dvije sile sukobe, sudbina svijeta visjet će o niti, a O'Connellovi će krenuti u očajničku utrku za spas svijeta od neopisivog zla te spas svoga sina prije nego što bude kasno.


Indiana Jones i ukleti hram

Indiana Jones i ukleti hram 1984


Vrijeme radnje je 1935. godina. Profesor, arheolog i legendarni junak poznat kao Indiana Jones ponovno se vraća u akciju u svojoj najnovijoj pustolovini. Ovaj put se udružuje s pjevačicom u noćnom klubu Wilhelminom "Willie" Scott i 12-godišnjim dječakom po imenu Short Round. Završe u malom siromašnom indijskom selu, čiji seljani vjeruju da je zao duh odveo svu njihovu djecu nakon što je ukraden sveti dragi kamen. Također otkrivaju strah i trepet koji okružuje hram pun zamki poznat kao Ukleti hram! Thuggeeji se ponovno pokušavaju uzdići vjerujući da će uz pomoć moći svih pet kamena Sankara vladati svijetom! Sada sve ovisi o Indiani, koji mora zaustaviti Thugeeje, spasiti izgubljenu djecu, osvojiti djevojku te osvojiti Ukleti hram.


Ubojstvo u Orient Expressu

Ubojstvo u Orient Expressu 2017


Hercule Poirot je u Orient Expressu i prepoznaje vrlo bliskog prijatelja. Zbog snijega su zaglavili na Balkanu, dvije noći poslije Istanbula. Iduće jutro Samuel Edward Ratchett nađen je izboden (12 uboda nožem) u svom kupeu. U vlaku je s Poirotom bilo 13 osoba koje na prvi pogled nemaju ništa zajedničko, ali to se promijeni kada se otkrije pravi identitet ubijenog i većine ostalih u vlaku.


Indiana Jones i posljednji križarski pohod

Indiana Jones i posljednji križarski pohod 1989


Indiana Jones, poznat pustolov i arheolog, dolazi u posjed dnevnika koji sadrži tragove i kartu bez naziva i vodi do zagonetnog Svetog grala. Poslao mu ga je njegov otac dr. Henry Jones iz Italije. Nakon što je od privatnog kolekcionara Waltera Donovana čuo da je potraga za Svetim gralom propala nestankom njegova oca, Indiana Jones i kustos muzeja Marcus Brody odlaze u Italiju kako bi pronašli Indyjeva oca. Nakon što pronađu dr. Henryja Jonesa na nacističkom teritoriju, misija spašavanja pretvara se u utrku kako bi pronašli Sveti gral prije nacista, koji ga kane upotrijebiti kako bi njihova nadmoćna rasa zavladala cijelim svijetom. S dnevnikom kao važnim ključem zagonetke i mapom bez naziva kao vodičem, Indiana Jones ponovno se upušta u pustolovinu punu napetih situacija i uzbuđenja.


Hotel Grand Budapest

Hotel Grand Budapest 2014


Smješten u okvire svijeta koji se dramatično mijenja između dva rata, film prepričava pustolovine Gustavea, legendarnoga konsijerža slavnog europskog hotela i Zeroa, hotelskoga potrčka koji mu postane najvjerniji prijatelj.


Bilo jednom u Americi

Bilo jednom u Americi 1984


Bivši gangster iz razdoblja zabrane alkohola vraća se na donju istočnu stranu Manhattana nakon trideset godina, gdje se ponovno mora suočiti s duhovima i pogreškama iz svog starog života.


King Kong

King Kong 2005


U New Yorku 1933. preambiciozni filmski producent nagovori glumce i unajmljenu brodsku posadu na putovanje do tajanstvenog Otoka lubanja, gdje pronađu na King Konga, divovskoga gorilu kojega odmah opčini glavna glumica Ann Darrow…


Moje pjesme, koji snovi

Moje pjesme, koji snovi 1965


"Zlatne" tridesete godine XX. stoljeća u Austriji bliže se kraju. Rane I. svjetskoga rata su tek zaliječene, a nad zemlju se već nadvila prijetnja njemačke okupacije. Obitelj imućnoga umirovljenoga časnika nekadašnje carske mornarice, kapetana von Trappa (C. Plummer), muče međutim drugi problemi. Nakon prerane smrti supruge bivši profesionalni vojnik pokušava svoje sedmoro djece u dobi od 4 do 16 godina podići na neprimjeren način - uvođenjem vojne stege. Jasno da je mala "postrojba" lukavija i od svojega "vrhovnoga zapovjednika" i od njegovih namjesnika, guvernanti koje "padaju" jedna za drugom. Sve dok se jednoga dana u toj nezahvalnoj ulozi ne pojavi lijepa Marija (J. Andrews), novakinja obližnjega samostana, koja svojom životnom radošću prijeti strogim pravilima reda, pa ju poglavarica (P. Wood) rado šalje u "čistilište" von Trappovih.


Smrt na Nilu

Smrt na Nilu 2022


Mlada, bogata i lijepa Linnet Ridgeway ima gotovo sve. Ono što nema, uzme. Na primjer, zaručnika svoje najbolje prijateljice Jackie. Kad se Linnet i njezin novi dragi upute na medeni mjesec krstareći Nilom, ništa ne može sačuvati Jackie od njezinih demona. I nitko - čak ni čuveni detektiv Hercule Poirot - ne može spriječiti zločin iz strasti.


Kraljev govor

Kraljev govor 2010


"Kraljev govor" veliki je filmski hit, višestruki osvajač prestižnih nagrada spomenimo samo četiri Oscara 2010. godine - za najbolji film, režiju, glavnu mušku ulogu i originalni scenarij. Film se temelji na isitnitoj priči o govornim problemima britanskog vojvode od Yorka što je, iako dugo vremena čuvana tajna, ubrzo počelo prodirati u javnost te mu donijelo velike probleme, čak dovelo u pitanje i izbora za kralja. U ovoj se zahtjevnoj ulozi odlično snašao poznati britanski glumac Colin Firth (Djevojka s bisernom naušnicom, Dnevnik Bridget Jones). Uz njega, izvrsni su glumci Helena Bonham Carter, Derek Jacobi, Geoffrey Rush i ostali.


Agatha Christie's Poirot

Agatha Christie's Poirot 1989


From England to Egypt, accompanied by his elegant and trustworthy sidekicks, the intelligent yet eccentrically-refined Belgian detective Hercule Poirot pits his wits against a collection of first class deceptions.


The Waltons

The Waltons 1972


The Waltons live their life in a rural Virginia community during the Great Depression and World War II.


The Untouchables

The Untouchables 1959


Special Agent Eliot Ness and his elite team of incorruptible agents battle organized crime in 1930s Chicago.


The Durrells

The Durrells 2016


In 1935, financially strapped widow Louisa Durrell, whose life has fallen apart, decides to move from England, with her four children (three sons, one daughter), to the island of Corfu, Greece. Once there, the family moves into a dilapidated old house that has no electricity and that is crumbling apart. But life on Corfu is cheap, it's an earthly paradise, and the Durrells proceed to forge their new existence, with all its challenges, adventures, and forming relationships.


Babylon Berlin

Babylon Berlin 2017


Beneath the decadence of 1929 Berlin, lies an underworld city of sin. Police investigator Gereon Rath has been transferred from Cologne to the epicenter of political and social changes in the Golden Twenties.


The Untouchables

The Untouchables 1993


The Untouchables is an American crime drama series that aired for two seasons in syndication, from January 1993 to May 1994. The series portrayed work of the real life Untouchables federal investigative squad in Prohibition-era Chicago and its efforts against Al Capone's attempts to profit from the market in bootleg liquor. The series features Tom Amandes as Eliot Ness and William Forsythe as Al Capone, and was based on the 1959 series and 1987 film of the same name.


Jeeves and Wooster

Jeeves and Wooster 1990


Jeeves and Wooster is a British comedy-drama series adapted by Clive Exton from P.G. Wodehouse's "Jeeves" stories. It aired on the ITV network from 1990 to 1993, starring Hugh Laurie as Bertie Wooster, a young gentleman with a "distinctive blend of airy nonchalance and refined gormlessness", and Stephen Fry as Jeeves, his improbably well-informed and talented valet. Wooster is a bachelor, a minor aristocrat and member of the idle rich. He and his friends, who are mainly members of The Drones Club, are extricated from all manner of societal misadventures by the indispensable valet, Jeeves. The stories are set in the United Kingdom and the United States in the 1930s.


Masterpiece Mystery

Masterpiece Mystery 1980


Mystery! is an episodic television series that debuted in 1980 in the USA. It airs on PBS and is produced by WGBH. The show has brought a large number of detective series and television movies—most of them British productions from the BBC or the ITV companies and usually adapted from mystery fiction literary sources—to air on American television. In 2002, they added an American-produced series based on the novels of Tony Hillerman to their roster.


Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackles

Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackles 2012


The 1930s Hong Kong is the time of the East and West cultural shock. Women started fighting for their rights and status, changing the 'men superior to women' image. Famous barrister Sir Arthur Chung studied in England and lives a British lifestyle, but inside he's actually a traditional Chinese man. He married several wives to show off his power and upper-class status. First wife Koo Sam-lan was a rich girl; second wife is former Qing dynasty princess Aisin Gioro Yee-yin; third wife came from a family that owned banks Yvonne Yik; fourth wife is a famous Peking opera singer Hong Tsz-kwan; and the fifth wife Chui Dan-dan, a vanity admiring woman. Because Sir Arthur Chung is a strict and authoritarian father, his two sons Charles Chung and Jimmy Chung eventually start going against him. This wealthy and prominent family may seem warm on the surface, but in reality, they are scattered and disunited.


Lord of Shanghai

Lord of Shanghai 2015


In a time when Shanghai was controlled by the merciless warlords, sworn brothers Kiu Ngo-Tin and Kung Siu-San have to rely on each other. Together, the ruthless Siu-San and the cunning Ngo-Tin create a world of their own, but in order to stay on top, Ngo-Tin has no choice but to leave his past behind completely, including his confidant and true love Ku Siu-Lau, a Peking opera apprentice. When Ngo-Tin catches the attention of a local casino boss, he is introduced to Kam Tong, Shanghai's most powerful tycoon. Along with Siu-San, Ngo-Tin and Kam Tong become legendary figures in Shanghai. But success is short-lived as a single city cannot accomodate three leaders; Siu-San and Kam Tong enter a battle for power, creating havoc in Shanghai.



Carnivàle 2003


Carnivàle is an American television series set in the United States during the Great Depression and Dust Bowl. In tracing the lives of two disparate groups of people, its overarching story depicts the battle between good and evil and the struggle between free will and destiny; the storyline mixes Christian theology with gnosticism and Masonic lore, particularly that of the Knights Templar.


Perry Mason

Perry Mason 2020


Set in 1932 Los Angeles, the series focuses on the origin story of famed defense lawyer Perry Mason. Living check-to-check as a low-rent private investigator, Mason is haunted by his wartime experiences in France and suffering the effects of a broken marriage. L.A. is booming while the rest of the country recovers from the Great Depression — but a kidnapping gone very wrong leads to Mason exposing a fractured city as he uncovers the truth of the crime.


The Manhunter

The Manhunter 1974


The Manhunter is an American crime drama that was part of CBS' lineup for the 1974–1975 television season. The series was produced by Quinn Martin and starred Ken Howard as Dave Barret, a 1930s-era private investigator from Idaho. The series was executive produced by Quinn Martin.


The ABC Murders

The ABC Murders 2018


1933. Hercule Poirot, older and greyer, receives letters threatening murder. The sender signs themselves only as “A.B.C.” When he takes the letters to the police looking for help, Hercule finds all his old friends have moved on. But soon there is a murder and the once-great detective must take matters into his own hands.


Apocalypse: The Rise of Hitler

Apocalypse: The Rise of Hitler 2011


Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) was a mediocre who rose to power because of the blindness and ignorance of the Germans, who believed he was nothing more than an eccentric dreamer. But when the crisis of 1929 devastated the economy, the population, fearful of chaos and communism, voted for him. And no one defended democracy. As the dictatorship extended its relentless shadow, the leader claimed peace, but was preparing the Apocalypse.


And Then There Were None

And Then There Were None 2015


Ten strangers, drawn away from their normal lives to an isolated rock off the Devon coast. But as the mismatched group waits for the arrival of the hosts -- the improbably named Mr. and Mrs. U.N. Owen -- the weather sours and they find themselves cut off from civilization. Very soon, the guests, each struggling with their conscience, will start to die -- one by one, according to the rules of the nursery rhyme 'Ten Little Soldier Boys' -- a rhyme that hangs in every room of the house and ends with the most terrifying words of all: '... and then there were none.


Inspiring Generation

Inspiring Generation 2014


Based in the 1930's of Shanghai, China, this drama is a story about love, friendship, patriotism and desire. Shin Jung Tae (Kim Hyun Joong) is an outrageous and clumsy man, but has an unconditional love for his country and family. He was known as the best fighter in the alleys of Shanghai.



Holocaust 1978


Berlin, Germany, 1935. The day Karl Weiss, a Jewish painter, and Inga Helms, a Christian woman, marry, is the one in which both of them and the entire Weiss family are caught up in the maelstrom of the Nazi regime, the storms of World War II and the horrors of the criminal Final Solution, the Holocaust, the Shoah; while Erik Dorf, an ambitious lawyer, undertakes his fall into hell at the hands of the sinister Reinhard Heydrich.


War and Destiny

War and Destiny 2007


The Ku family are living in the Republic of China era (1930s) as a prestigious household in a wealthy part of Nanjing. Soon, word spreads that the city is being taken over by Imperial Japanese forces. The Ku family - a family of all daughters and a father and mother of weakening health - are soon forced to pack their belongings to leave the war-torn area. One of their servants recommends they move to the rural areas. To their dismay, life is incredibly difficult and they live in poverty. The family is in pieces as each daughter struggles with numerous difficulties in the countryside. However, all members of the family eventually grow closer together as they work in the rural area.