Sudac Dredd

Sudac Dredd 1995


Planet Zemlja, 22. stoljeće. Opustošena priroda većinu preostalih stanovnika primorala je na život u nekoliko preostalih megagradova u kojima ulične bande provode ekstremno nasilje. Odgovor na takvo stanje je stvaranje nove vrste čuvara reda i zakona, nazvanih suci, koji istodobno imaju policijske, porotničko-sudske i izvršiteljske ovlasti, što znači da i love prijestupnike, i izriču im kaznu, i sami je izvršavaju. Najistaknutiji među njima je beskompromisni sudac Dredd koji djeluje u Mega Cityju 1, a partnerica mu je atraktivna i predana sutkinja Hershey. Međutim, jedan među sucima upravljačima, sudac Griffin, kuje urotu te pomaže opakom Ricu, bivšem sucu i Dreddovom odmetnutom bratu, pobjeći iz zatvora. Rico počini zločin za koji okrive Dredda.


Paralelne majke

Paralelne majke 2021


Dvije žene, Janis i Ana, zajedno se nalaze u bolničkoj sobi gdje svaka očekuje rođenje djeteta. Niti jedna niti druga nisu u vezi, a obje su zatrudnile igrom slučaja. Sredovječna Janis ne žali za trudnoćom i poprilično je ushićena. Adolescentica Ana s druge se strane kaje, a usto je uplašena i traumatizirana. Janis ju pokušava ohrabriti dok se obje poput mjesečarki kreću bolničkim hodnicima. Nekoliko riječi koje će izmijeniti u satima čekanja do poroda između njih dvije stvorit će neočekivanu povezanost, a koja će razvojem situacije i novonastalim komplikacijama promijeniti njihove živote zauvijek.


Lauren Lake's Paternity Court

Lauren Lake's Paternity Court 2013


Judge Lauren Lake hears cases involving not only questions of paternity, but also many types of stories involving DNA.



DNA 2019


Five years after his daughter disappeared, a mistake in the National Police's DNA register makes it possible for the officer Rolf to finally find out what happened to her.



Onanay 2018


Sisters Maila and Natalie have different approach to their mother, Onay who has Achondroplasia. Maila is a nice and attentive daughter, while Nataile is arrogant and disobedient. Besides their different upbringing, they have a different father as well.


Code of a Killer

Code of a Killer 2015


Based on the extraordinary true story of Alec Jeffreys' discovery of DNA fingerprinting and its first use by Detective Chief Superintendent David Baker in catching a double murderer.


DNA  Unknown

DNA Unknown 2009


Caroline Tensen, and later Dionne Stax, reveal hidden family sorrows in gooey stories. is my father my real father? Are my brothers related? Great doubts and unanswered questions leave families in the dark for years. Fortunately, there is a DNA test, which 'conclusively' establishes whether there are family ties. That is so clear. The test puts an end to a life full of ambiguities once and for all.


Cold Case Files: DNA Speaks

Cold Case Files: DNA Speaks 2023


Bill Kurtis examines cold cases that are solved through advancements in DNA, along with help from victims’ families, law enforcement and the public. Each episode tells the story of how forensic evidence is used to solve murder cases that have remained unsolved for years.