Dječak u prugastoj pidžami

Dječak u prugastoj pidžami 2008


Iz perspektive osmogodišnjeg dječaka koji je uvelike zaštićen od stvarnosti Drugog svjetskog rata, svjedoci smo zabranjenoga prijateljstva koje će nastati između Brune, sina nacističkog zapovjednika, i Schmuela, dječaka Židova koji je zarobljen u koncentracijskom logoru. Iako dječake fizički razdvaja bodljikava ograda, njihovi će životi postati nezaobilazno isprepleteni. Izmišljena priča o Bruni i Schmuelu, pričana iz neobične perspektive, baca svjetlo na brutalnost, bezosjećajnost i razorne posljedice rata. Njihovo će nas tragično putovanje podsjetiti na milijune nevinih žrtava holokausta.



Casablanca 1943


Humphrey Bogart glumi Richarda 'Ricka' Blanea, ciničnog, ali dobrodušnog Amerikanca čiji je mali kafić mjesto okupljanja za sve od francuske policije, šefova crnog tržišta do nacista. Kada se njegova davno izgubljena ljubav Ilsa (Ingrid Bergman) pojavi u Casablanci sa svojim suprugom Victorom Lazslom (Paul Henreid), vođom Otpora, Rick se uvlači u ljubavni trokut, ali i mrežu političkih intriga. Ilsa i Victor moraju pobjeći iz Casablance i Rick je možda jedini koji im može pomoći. No, pitanje je - hoće li?


Fearless Whispers

Fearless Whispers 2020


A story revolving around a fresh graduate who holds an idealistic view of what's right and wrong, yet realizes that the very institution he chose to serve falls heavily onto a gray area caught in the struggles during chaotic times. It takes place after the war has been won. Gu Yao Dong who grew up in Shanghai graduates from university. Hoping to fulfill his dreams of upholding the law and protecting the people, he succeeds in becoming a policeman. However, Gu Yao Dong is disheartened from the constant bullying by his peers and even gets caught deep in the political warfare between the Communists and the Nationalist. With the help of Xia Ji Cheng and Shen Qing He, he starts on a road to a revolution.


Exterminate All the Brutes

Exterminate All the Brutes 2021


Hybrid docuseries offering an expansive exploration of the exploitative and genocidal aspects of European colonialism, from America to Africa, and its impact on society today.


The Struggles for Poland

The Struggles for Poland 1987


This 9-episodes documentary series extensively examines the history of Poland in the 20th Century, telling the story through archival films, newsreels, interviews, and readings from novels and poems.