Brodolom života

Brodolom života 2000


Chuck Noland ambiciozan je i predan djelatnik američke poštanske službe FedEx, zbog karijere često zapostavlja i svoju zaručnicu. Na jednom naizgled bezazlenom poslovnom putu njegov avion zahvati strahovita oluja i sruši se nasred Pacifika. Jedva se uspije dokopati obale, no to je pusti otok koji civilizacija još nije dotaknula.


Put bez povratka

Put bez povratka 2000


Nakon što tinejdžer ima zastrašujuću viziju kako on i njegovi prijatelji umiru u avionskoj nesreći, on spriječava nesreću samo da ih Smrt progoni, jedan po jedan.


Plaćenici 2

Plaćenici 2 2012


Mr. Church se ponovno udružuje sa starom ekipom “Plaćenika” (The Expendables). Očekuju lagan posao, no jedan njihov član završi mrtav. Tražeći osvetu Plaćenici završe duboko u neprijateljskom teritoriju boreći se sa neočekivanom prijetnjom...



Let 2012


Denzel Washington u uzbudljivom trileru Oscarom nagrađenog redatelja Roberta Zemeckisa (Castaway, Forrest Gump) glumi pilota Whipa Whitakera, koji u američkoj javnosti od miljenika nacije postane omražena pijandura. Nakon što je uspješno prizemljio padajući avion i tako spasio putnike od sigurne smrti, protiv Whitakera je pokrenuta istraga jer se sumnja da je noć prije leta konzumirao alkohol. Whitakeru ne preostaje ništa drugo nego borba za čast, ali i istinu.



355 2022


Kada strogo čuvano oružje padne u ruke plaćenika, CIA agentica Mason Brown morat će udružiti snage sa njemačkom agenticom Marie, saveznicom iz agencije MI6, vrhunskom računalnom stručnjakinjom Khadijah i vještom psihologinjom Gracielom u smrtonosnoj, vratolomnoj misiji. Akcija kreće diljem svijeta, od pariških bistroa do šarenih tržnica Maroka, te raskošnih aukcijskih kuća u Šangaju, a kvartet žena će udružiti snage kako bi zaštitile svijet ili ga uništile.



Non-Stop 2014


Radnja filma odvija se na međunarodnom letu New York - London. Tijekom leta, američki savezni agent prima seriju prijetećih poruka: svakih 20 minuta bit će ubijen jedan putnik, sve dok se 150 milijuna dolara ne prebaci na tajni bankovni račun…. Utrka s vremenom tek je počela.


The Grey

The Grey 2012


Liam Neeson predvodi skupinu naftnih radnika nakon pada njihovog aviona usred divlje i nemilosrdne Aljaske. Boreći se protiv smrtonosnih ozljeda i brutalnih vremenskih uvjeta, preživjeli imaju samo par dana nade da pobjegnu zimi, kao i okrutnom čoporu divljih vukova koji ih love, prije nego im vrijeme istekne.



Preživjeli 1993


Po povratku s natjecanja avion urugvajske ragbijaške ekipe pokvari se visoko nad Andama i sruši na nepristupačno područje. Unatoč hladnoći koja lomi kosti i malim izgledima da će ih spasioci uopće primijetiti, mladi se preživjeli ragbijaši svom snagom bore za život, prisiljeni na odluke za koje nikad nisu ni slutili da bi im jednog dana mogle odlučivati o životu. Jedino što momci imaju njihova je volja za životom i borilački duh, ali hoće li to biti dovoljno?


Planina između nas

Planina između nas 2017


Zaglavivši nakon tragične avionske nesreće, dvoje stranaca mora se povezati kako bi preživjeli ekstremne uvjete izolirane snijegom prekrivene planine. Kad shvate da pomoć ne dolazi, krenu na opasno putovanje preko stotina kilometara divljine potičući jedno drugo da izdrže i otkrivajući snagu koju nisu smatrali mogućom.


Let feniksa

Let feniksa 2004


1 nezgoda. 10 preživjelih. 3.000 milja od civilizacije. Skupina preživjelih od avionske nesreće izgubila se usred pustinje Gobi, bez šanse da se spasi. Njihova jedina nada je postići „nemoguće“: izgraditi novi uređaj s olupinama srušenog aviona kako bi izašli iz pustinje. Sve je počelo kad su pilot teretnog aviona Frank Towns i njegov kopilot AJ poslani u sliv Tan sag u Mongoliji kako bi evakuirali osoblje otkazane operacije istraživanja ugljikovodika. Njih dvoje nemaju pojma da će ova rutinska misija postati borba između života i smrti, potpuno promijenivši sve njihove životne poglede.


Crna kutija

Crna kutija 2021


Mathieu je talentirani mladi analitičar crne kutije u misiji da riješi razlog smrtonosnog pada potpuno novog zrakoplova. Ipak, kad vlasti zatvore slučaj, Mathieu se ne može oteti dojmu da s dokazima nešto nije u redu. Dok ponovno preslušava snimku, počinje otkrivati neke ozbiljno uznemirujuće detalje. Može li se snimka modificirati? Idući protiv zapovijedi svog šefa, Mathieu započinje vlastitu istragu - opsesivnu i opasnu potragu za istinom koja će brzo ugroziti mnogo više od njegove karijere.


Fatalni ishod

Fatalni ishod 2017


Tragična zrakoplovna nesreća zauvijek mijenja živote Romana i Jakea. Roman u nesreći izgubi ženu i kćer, dok Jake izgubi razum - budući da je on bio kontrolor zračnog prometa koji nije uspio odvratiti ovu nesreću. Bijes i osveta obuzimaju Romana, a Jake se zatrpa krivnjom i žaljenjem.


Boeingov pad

Boeingov pad 2022


Istražitelji otkrivaju kako je to što je tvrtki Boeing profit navodno važniji od sigurnosti moglo pridonijeti dvjema katastrofalnim nesrećama u samo nekoliko mjeseci.



Lost 2004


Stripped of everything, the survivors of a horrific plane crash must work together to stay alive. But the island holds many secrets.



Mayday 2003


Major real-life air disasters are depicted in this series. Each episode features a detailed dramatized reconstruction of the incident based on cockpit voice recorders and air traffic control transcripts, as well as eyewitnesses recounts and interviews with aviation experts.


Missing Nine

Missing Nine 2017


Story about an unexpected plane crash that causes a widespread panic in South Korea due to the disappearance of nine people, including some influential figures in the entertainment industry. Seo Joon O used to be a popular singer, but he isn't popular anymore. Now, he works as a reporter for a TV entertainment show. He and his stylist Ra Bong-Hee land on a deserted island.



Wrecked 2016


Single-camera comedy centering on a diverse group of survivors adjusting to being stranded on an uninhabited island, a dangerous new world where they must face many threats – mostly brought on by themselves. No longer plugged into the rest of the world, the group struggles to navigate their makeshift society while also learning to live without such modern comforts as indoor plumbing, Wi-Fi, social media and Chipotle.


The Widow

The Widow 2019


A woman's search to uncover the mystery of the disappearance of her husband leads her to the Congo, where she's forced to seek the truth about what happened to the man she loved.



Amazon 1999


Amazon was a syndicated television show created by Peter Benchley. It was developed by Canadian production companies Alliance Atlantis Communications & WIC Entertainment and German company Beta Film GmbH. The 22 episodes of the series were in first-run syndication between 1999 and 2000. The drama series focused on the six survivors of a crashed airline flight in the Brazilian Amazon jungle. The group soon comes into contact with a Native American tribe, and relations are anything but friendly. The group is taken in by a mysterious tribe, who descended from 16th century British colonists who were lost in Amazon. Relations with the Chosen are tenuous at best. Most of the group escapes the Chosen only to stir up a hornets nest with a tribe of cannibals, led by an insane American woman bent on domination of all the local tribes. The first season ended in a cliff-hanger, and a second season was never produced. The series retained sufficient interest that it was released on DVD in 2011. A novelization of the 2-hour pilot was written by Rob MacGregor, and a mass-market paperback was released by Harper on 8 Aug 2000. The German title was Amazonas - Gefangene des Dschungels.


Mayday: The Accident Files

Mayday: The Accident Files 2018


In this spinoff of Mayday/Air Crash Investigation, every episode examines multiple aviation disasters that prove to have similarities including; engines that separated from their aircrafts mid-flight, mismatched pilot pairings that led to deadly crashes, and improvised landings with tragic consequences.


Flight 29 Down

Flight 29 Down 2005


Some teenagers are stranded on a desert island in Micronesia. Their plane crashed and led them into a one-in-a-lifetime eco-adventure. They will have to learn to navigate the challenges that come before them in the tropical paradise in Hawaii using intelligence, wit, and instincts. They also have to learn to live with each other.


Flight HS13

Flight HS13 2016


Mourning the death of her husband Simon, supposedly killed in a plane crash, Liv is shocked to discover that Simon lied to her and was not a passenger on the tragic flight. Seeking the truth surrounding her husband’s mysterious disappearance, Liv uncovers secrets that threaten to destroy her entire family…


American Heiress

American Heiress 2007


American Heiress is a telenovela which debuted on March 13, 2007 at 8 p.m. ET/7 p.m. CT on the American television network MyNetworkTV. This romantic melodrama tells the story of a roughneck pilot and a pampered heiress who survive a plane crash. The show was produced by Twentieth Television, based on the 2004 TV Azteca series La Heredera. Heiress was the last series produced for MyNetworkTV's original all-telenovela format. When the network dropped the serial after the July 18, 2007 broadcast, most episodes were left unaired. 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment has not announced plans to release this series on DVD and/or Blu-ray. All 65 episodes aired overseas.



Lockerbie 1970


Follow the investigation into the crash of Pan Am 103 from both sides of the Atlantic and discover the devastating effect it had on the small town and the families who lost loved ones.


WWII Air Crash Detectives

WWII Air Crash Detectives 2014


Garth Barnard has a lifelong passion and unshakeable resolve to investigate how thousands of young Airmen from the Second World War died in catastrophic air accidents and training crashes.



Dinotopia 2002


Frank Scott, a wealthy American, crashes his plane into the Caribbean. His two teenaged sons, Karl and David, survive, only to find themselves castaways on Dinotopia. Karl and David are constantly at odds, even as they struggle to adjust to life in their strange new world where talking dinosaurs live side by side in an uneasy alliance with humans.