Prošli životi

Prošli životi 2023


Spisateljica Nora i njena ljubav iz djetinjstva Hae-Sung možda su razdvojeni tisućama kilometara, ali dijele iznimno duboku vezu. Nakon više od dva desetljeća razdvojenosti, dvije srodne duše susreću se na nekoliko dana u New Yorku. Neočekivani susret s čovjekom sudbine natjera Noru da si postavi pitanje: "Što ako?"



Producenti 1968


Max Bialystock kazališni je producent koji laska starim damama kako bi ih naveo da investiraju u njegov Broadwayski projekt. Max susreće Lea Blooma, koji naivno misli da će se obogatiti ako Max dobije puno novca za kazališni komad koji će biti zajamčeni promašaj. Njih dvojica kreću u potragu za najgorim komadom ikad napisanim, u pronalazak velikog broja investitora te glumce i redatelja bez mrvice talenta. Zatim očekuju najgore kritike. Plan se čini nepogrešiv...barem oni tako misle.



Karaoke 1996


Daniel Feeld, writer of the film Karaoke, starts to believe that his characters are coming alive.



Brecht 2019


East Berlin, 1956. Bertolt Brecht, revolutionary of the theater and poet of the state, looks back: his exploits as a teenager during the World War I; his romantic adventures during the twenties; the escape of the Nazi regime; the return from exile. The life of a timeless classic, a class fighter, an indefatigable free spirit, a committed artist.


Author Alan Share Show

Author Alan Share Show 2022


The show is in the quest of educational excellence, Alan is doing everything he can to make the companion play to DOAN available to the public. Emmy Award Winner Logan Crawford (Blood Bloods, The Blacklist, Manifest, Bull, The Irishman, Marry Me, Three Women) speaks with Alan Share, the author of "Death of a Nightingale." It's an important literary work that delves into the issues of special education and mainstreaming. "Death of a Nightingale" is a provocative play within a book. It is like a matryoshka doll. It tells a human story that touches on key issues in education and society. Are we doing enough to improve the life chances of our children? Do we have the right balance between equality and equity?