IF 2024



Os Vingadores: A guerra do Infinito

Os Vingadores: A guerra do Infinito 2018


No canto cós Vingadores e mais os seus aliados continuaron a protexer o mundo de ameazas grandes demais como para seren afrontadas por calquera heroe, un novo perigo emerxe das sombras cósmicas: Thanos. Un infame déspota intergaláctico cuxo obxectivo é xuntar as seis Xemas do Infinito, uns artefactos de poder inimaxinábel, e empregalos para inflixir a súa retorcida vontade sobre a realidade. Todo contra o que os Vingadores tiveran loitado levounos até este momento - o destino da terra e a propia existencia nunca estiveron máis incertas.


Harry Potter e a Cámara dos Segredos

Harry Potter e a Cámara dos Segredos 2002


De vacacións na casa dos tíos, Harry Potter recibe a inesperada visita de Dobby, un elfo doméstico que o vén avisar para non voltar á Escola de Hogwarts. Harry non lle dá importancia e decide voltar. Mais hai novidades á espera e unha delas é a contratación do novo profesor Gilderoy Lockhart, un grande galán que non perde unha oportunidade de falar de si mesmo. Porém, a paz da escola vai ser ensombrada por un misterio que retorna á época da súa propia fundación.


Harry Potter e o preso de Azkaban

Harry Potter e o preso de Azkaban 2004


Hogwarts vai comezar máis un grande perigo agarda: o asasino Sirius Black fuxiu da prisión de Azkabán, considerada até entón a proba de fugas, e para Harry todos os indicios sinalan cara a involucración de Lord Voldemort.



Wish 2023




Peacemaker 2022


The continuing story of Peacemaker – a compellingly vainglorious man who believes in peace at any cost, no matter how many people he has to kill to get it – in the aftermath of the events of “The Suicide Squad.”


Rick and Morty: The Anime

Rick and Morty: The Anime 2024


It's life mostly as usual for the Smith family. Rick is in a pseudo-world, Summer helps Space Beth and Morty's in love. And they're all an anime.


Usagi Drop

Usagi Drop 2011


By force of circumstances, a 30-year-old single man with a full-time job suddenly starts raising a 6-year-old girl. While running each other ragged, the two of them gradually grow into a "family".


Daily Lives of High School Boys

Daily Lives of High School Boys 2012


Join Tadakuni, Hidenori and Yoshitake as they undergo the trials and tribulations of life in high school. Each episode presents the boys and their classmates in unique situations that you may or may not have faced in high school yourself.


My Mental Choices Are Completely Interfering with my School Romantic Comedy

My Mental Choices Are Completely Interfering with my School Romantic Comedy 2013


High school student Kanade Amakusa suffers from a curse called "Absolute Choice,” which requires him to select an action from a list of options that appear before him at random. Unfortunately, Amakusa’s choices are limited to the weird and perverse, causing him to become something of a social outcast at school. But when a sudden choice on the way home from school causes a beautiful girl to fall out of the sky, Amakusa might’ve found the key to break his curse for good!



Aiura 2013


They don't always see eye-to-eye, but that just makes these high school girls' daily lives more fun. "Their lives happen when nothing is happening".


Paradise of Innocence

Paradise of Innocence 2014


Shouta is sent back in time to his elementary school days via a mysterious school pool. He sees Konomi, a girl who would eventually become a nationally popular actress, and other cute girls when they were innocent and defenseless.