Thomas Commerford Dawn and Twilight The Hour and the Man The Fable of the Manoeuvres of Joel and Father's Second Time on Earth The Fable of a Night Given Over to Revelry The Ambition of the Baron The Lost Inheritance The Fire Cop How the 'Duke of Leisure' Reached His Winter Home The False Order The Understudy A Husband Won by Election Pauline Cushman, the Federal Spy A Change of Administration The Finger Print The Fable of the Family That Did Too Much For Nellie The Fable of the 'People's Choice Who Answered the Call of Duty and Took Seltzer' Yarn a-Tangle The Daring Young Person At the Foot of the Hill The Hobo's Rest Cure Frauds The Ex-Convict A Night With a Million Pierre, of the North The Greater Courage On Trial A Freight Train Drama The Girl at the Cupola Graustark The Devil's Signature While the Starlight Travels Stone the Woman Broken Threads United The Fable of One Samaritan Who Got Paralysis of the Helping Hand The Little Samaritan