Paranormal Activity

Paranormal Activity 2007


Kun nuori, keskiluokkainen pariskunta muuttaa normaalilta vaikuttavaan taloon lähiössä, he tulevat hyvin pian tietoisiksi jonkun tai jonkin, joka voi olla demoninen, läsnäolosta. Se on aktiivisimmillaan keskellä yötä, varsinkin heidän nukkuessaan.


The Remaining

The Remaining 2014


Ryhmä ystäviä kokoontuu viettämään häitä, mutta juhlinta keskeytyy painajaismaisten tapahtumien sekä vihollisten, joista kerrotaan raamatussa lopun ajan ennustuksissa, takia. Henkiinjääneet kohtaavat järkyttävän ja epävarman tulevaisuuden heidän etsiessä suojaa, mutta kun maailma heidän ympärillään romahtaa kaaokseen niin valitsevatko he elämän, jossa usko on läsnä vai yrittävätkö he vain selvitä hengissä?



Rec 2007


Pieni tv-ryhmä saa tehtäväkseen tehdä dokumentin yöstä barcelonalaisella paloasemalla. Kun aivan tavanomaiselta vaikuttava hälytys saa odottamattoman käänteen, yöstä tulee dramaattisempi kuin kukaan olisi osannut aavistaa. Taistellessaan hengestään tuntematonta vihollista vastaan tv-ryhmäläiset oivaltavat mahdollisuutensa kaikkien aikojen uutispommiin, ja antavat kameran käydä koko ajan...


As Above, So Below

As Above, So Below 2014


Pariisin katujen alla mutkittelevat katakombit ovat lukemattomien sielujen ikuinen tyyssija. Tutkijajoukko uskaltautuu seikkailemaan tuntemattomaan luulabyrinttiin ja löytää kuolleiden kaupungin kätkemän synkän salaisuuden. As Above, So Below on hulluuden ja kauhun taival, joka kurottaa syvälle ihmisen psyykeen ja paljastaa meitä kaikkia omalla tavallaan piinaavat paholaiset.


A Haunted House

A Haunted House 2013


Räävittömän hauska ja törkeän naurattava kauhukomedia Paranormal Activityn tyyliin. Rakastunut nuoripari Malcom ja Keisha muuttavat unelmiensa taloon aloittaakseen yhteisen elämänsä. Pian talossa alkaa tapahtua mystisiä asioita ja selviää, etteivät he olekaan kahden vaan Keishan on riivannut hävytön demoni. Ahdistunut Malcom palkkaa manaajan ja lopulta nykypäivän Ghostbustersitkin ajamaan pois pahan hengen, joka terrorisoi hänen parisuhdettaan… ja ennen kaikkea seksielämäänsä.


The Blair Witch Project

The Blair Witch Project 1999


21. lokakuuta 1994 Heather Donahue, Joshua Leonard ja Michael Williams vaelsivat Black Hillsin metsään Marylandissa tehdäkseen dokumentin paikallisesta myytistä, Blairin noidasta. Vuotta myöhemmin heidän filmimateriaalinsa löytyi. Sen perusteella tehtiin tämä elokuva, joka kertoo filmintekijöiden viisipäiväisestä raastavasta matkasta läpi metsän ja taltioi kaikki kauhistuttavat hetket, jotka johtivat heidän katoamiseensa.



Cloverfield 2008


Viisi newyorkilaisnuorta pitää ystävälleen läksiäiset samana iltana kuin pilvenpiirtäjän kokoluokkaa oleva hirviö ilmestyy Manhattanille. Kaverusten videokameralla kuvattu tarina on dokumentti heidän yrityksestään selviytyä elämänsä epätodellisimmasta ja kauhistuttavammasta tapahtumasta.


Kannibaalien polttouhrit

Kannibaalien polttouhrit 1980


New Yorkin yliopiston professori palaa pelastustehtävältä Amazonin sademetsästä mukanaan videomateriaalia kadonneelta tutkimusryhmältä, joka oli tekemässä elokuvaa paikallisista kannibaaliheimoista.






American Vandal

American Vandal 2017


A true-crime satire that explores the aftermath of a costly high school prank that left twenty-seven faculty cars vandalized with phallic images.


The Comeback

The Comeback 2005


For Valerie Cherish, no price is too high to pay for clinging to the spotlight. Desperate to revive her career, she agrees to star in a reality TV series, allowing cameras to follow her every move as she lands a part on a new network sitcom.


Archive 81

Archive 81 2022


An archivist takes a job restoring damaged videotapes and gets pulled into the vortex of a mystery involving the missing director and a demonic cult.



#SittingAtHome 2020


While the whole world is singing songs from balconies and throwing video parties, Gennady Borisovich, owner of a chain of hardware stores in Podolsk, is trying to save his business. And his wife can't (or won't?) go home from Bali. Former Federal Security Service Colonel Sergey Dergach has settled in at his dacha with a load of alcohol and delivers controversial information from his dubious informants, which puts his colleagues in fear. Meanwhile, Gennady Borisovich's secretary Julia is going for possibly the last manicure in her life. She is very upset that her secret boyfriend has self-isolated with his family. He connects to a video call with his colleagues from the closet - the only place in the house where he can hide from his wife and children.


D-Day Sacrifice

D-Day Sacrifice 2014


Comprised entirely of re-mastered and colorised archive footage from World War II, much of it never before seen, Sacrifice recounts the story of D-Day through the testimonies of those who lived it. These important historical days are seen through the eyes of French civilians and members of the military fighting on both sides. The testimonies of famous individuals like Dwight D. Eisenhower and Erwin Rommel are intertwined with those of anonymous soldiers and citizens, such as film director Samuel Fuller and Eisenhower's chauffeur, Kay Summersby. From the preparations for D-Day all the way through to the liberation of Paris, the accounts of these men and women provide a moving and invaluable retelling of this pivotal time in history.



Flag 2006


Saeko Shirasu is a 25-year-old war front-line photo-journalist who became a celebrity after taking a picture of civilians raising a makeshift UN flag in war-torn Uddiyana. The image then became an instant symbol for peace. However, just before the peace agreement is achieved, the flag was stolen by an armed extremist group in order to obstruct the truce. The UN peacekeepers decide to covertly send in a SDC (pronounced as "Seedac"—Special Development Command) unit to retrieve the flag. Because of her connection with the "Flag" photo, Saeko Shirasu was offered the job of following the SDC unit as a front line journalist. Among the SDC unit's equipment is the HAVWC (High Agility Versatile Weapon Carrier—pronounced "havoc") mecha armored vehicle.


The Creep Tapes

The Creep Tapes 2024


A secluded serial killer lures videographers into his world with the promise of a paid job documenting his life. Unfortunately, as the tape rolls, the killer's questionable intentions surface with his increasingly odd behavior and the victims will learn they may have made a deadly mistake.



Dealer 2021


Tensions erupt when two filmmakers infiltrate an area ruled by gangs to shoot a music video for a rapper in this gritty found-footage series.


Chasing the Moon

Chasing the Moon 2019


An unprecedented look at the decade-long odyssey to land a man on the moon. This documentary pulls back the curtain on the familiar narrative of the moonshot, revealing a fascinating stew of scientific innovation, political calculation, media spectacle, visionary impulses and personal drama.


Cut to the Chase

Cut to the Chase 2012


Cut to the Chase follows the life of Chase Fountaine, a struggling filmmaker, and his self-destructive rivalry with his ex-best friend Josh Wood. With the help of his sidekick Jason, Chase desperately initiates a self-made documentary meant to chronicle his triumph.


La Commune (Paris, 1871)

La Commune (Paris, 1871) 2000


In this war drama blurring the lines between documentary and fiction, the working class and the bourgeoisie of 19th century Paris are interviewed and covered on television, before and during a tragic workers' class revolt.



Eckva 2016


Eckva follows S.H Hawkins as they pick up broadcasts from an abandoned TV station.


The Picco Incident

The Picco Incident 2022


On July 14, 2012, something crashed on the Picco family's farm. Jack Picco's camera was running. This is what he captured.


Fake Documentary

Fake Documentary "Q" 2021


Strange things are happening in present day Japan. Fake Documentary "Q" blends found footage and alternate reality premises to present a disturbing vision of a paranormal world lurking underneath day-to-day experiences.



ParaAbnormal 2009


Losers by day; ghost hunters by night. From the garage of his unapproving mother's home, Ken Livingston leads a team of supernatural investigators in a search for truth, justice and poltergeists. In each episode, our heroes confront paraabnormalities that no other team would dare - busting ghosts caught on sex tapes, braving motel rooms that kill (and have no cable or turndown service), and seducing succubi. They are not normal... they are ParaAbnormal.



DarkHarvest00 2010


A typical haunted house story turns into so much more when two friends come face-to-face with an entity known as Gorr'Rylaehotep and the mysterious cult that worships it.


Found Footage

Found Footage 2017


Deep within the reaches of The Facility is an archive of footage obtained by Agents from incidents involving the strange and unusual. Found Footage, the new series from Open Sign Productions, chronicles one of these secret videos in each episode. All events portrayed in the series are entirely fictional and a part of Open Sign's expanded universe involving The Facility.