Ansa vanhemmille

Ansa vanhemmille 1998


Kaksoissisaret Annie ja Hallie ovat varttuneet eri mantereella eivätkä tunne toisiaan. Annie asuu äidin kanssa Lontoossa ja Hallie isän kanssa Kaliforniassa. Tytöt tapaavat sattumalta kesäleirillä ja päättävät saattaa takaisin yhteen vanhempansa, jotka olisivat heidän mielestään täydellinen pari. He aloittavat vaihtamalla henkilöllisyyksiä. Se johtaa tietenkin yhteen jos toiseenkin hullunkuriseen väärinkäsitukseen - ja lopulta myös onnelliseen tapaamiseen.



Clueless 1995


Cher on 15-vuotias Beverly Hillsin lukion oppilas, jonka mielessä ovat shoppailu ja pojat - enimmäkseen kuitenkin shoppailu. Mukana ovat myös homssuinen siirto-opiskelija, hänen kumppaniehdokkaansa sekä Cherin herkkä velipuoli.


Kaksin aina kaunihimpi

Kaksin aina kaunihimpi 1995


Olsenin kaksoset tuovat Mark Twainin Prinssi ja kerjäläispoika -tarinaan söpöä uutta väriä identtisten 9-vuotiaiden, orpotyttö Amandan ja rikkaan Alyssan rooleissa.


The Big Sick

The Big Sick 2017


Pakistanilasisyntyinen Kumail Nanjiani ja opiskelijaelämää viettävä Emily Gordon rakastuvat toisiinsa palavasti, vaikka kulttuurierot hankaloittavatkin suhdetta aika ajoin. Kun Emily sairastuu selittämättömään tautiin, Kumailin on vihdoin pakko kohdata vanhoilliset vanhempansa, perheensä odotukset sekä todelliset tunteensa.


Set It Up

Set It Up 2018


Kaksi ylityöllistettyä assistenttia kaipaa epätoivoisesti taukoa toimistotöistään. He punovat yhdessä juonen saadakseen työhullut pomonsa rakastumaan.



Emma. 2020


Kaunis, älykäs ja rikas Emma Woodhouse on uneliaan kotikylänsä seurapiirien kuningatar vailla vertaa. Säkenöivässä satiirissa luokkaeroista ja kasvukivuista Emma seikkailee epäonnisten seurusteluyritysten ja romanttisten harhapolkujen kautta kohti rakkautta, joka löytyy lähempää kuin hän arvaakaan.


Täydellinen mies

Täydellinen mies 2005


Teini-ikäinen Holly Hamilton on kyllästynyt muuttamaan joka kerta, kun hänen sinkkuäidillään Jeanilla on seurusteluongelmia. Saadakseen Jeanin unohtamaan viimeisimmän epäonnistuneen valintansa Holly laatii täydellisen suunnitelman täydellisestä miehestä - kuvitteellisesta salaisesta ihailijasta, joka toisi Jeanin elämään romantiikkaa ja paikkaisi tämän horjuvaa itsetuntoa. Virtuaalisuhteen myötä Holly tajuaa, että hänen täytyy keksiä jostain kosija, joten hän pyytää ystävänsä charmikasta ja komeaa setää esittämään viestien ja lahjojen lähettäjää. Hollyn täytyy turvautua koko ajan epätoivoisempiin keinoihin jatkaakseen harhautustaan ja säilyttääkseen äitinsä uuden onnen - mutta jääkö häneltä huomaamatta paikalle ilmestyvä aito täydellinen mies?



Emma 1996


Kaunis Emma Woodhouse elää leski-isänsä kanssa idyllisessä Highburyn kaupungissa. Emman rakkaan ystävän Missa Taylorin mennessä naimisiin aloittaa Emma "menestyksekkään" uran seudun naimakauppojen järjestäjänä. Hän ottaa siipiensä suojaan Harrietin ja alkaa järjestellä tämän elämää. Emman hyväätarkoittavat aikeet kuitenkin vain sotkevat kylän rakkausasiat ja siinä sivussa hän menettää myös oman sydämensä, mutta kuka kylän nuorista herroista on se onnellinen, joka saa kauniin Emman omakseen... Onko se vastustamattoman komea Mr. Knightley, rakastunut kyläpappi vai hurmaava Frank Churchill...


The Fury of a Patient Man

The Fury of a Patient Man 2016


Rakastettunsa kuoltua koruliikkeen ryöstössä vaitelias José iskee silmänsä kahvilanpitäjä Anaan, joka on tietämätön miehen muista motiiveista.


Heart Signal (China Version)

Heart Signal (China Version) 2018


Heart Signal is a dating reality show about eight strangers, 4 men and 4 women, living together in the Signal House.


His Man

His Man 2022


As South Korea's very first BL dating reality series, His Man brings together a group of eight hot, sexy, free and single gay men to a shared house where they are to live, interact and open up to each other in their quest for "true love." ☆ Say hello to South Korea's first-ever BL reality dating series. ☆ "Real" is the name of the game as eight of Korea's most eligible gay bachelors are put together under one roof for eight straight days as they genuinely seek to find their "one and only".


I Am Solo

I Am Solo 2021


The ups and downs of dating get all too real as single men and women embark on their search for a partner worthy of love and marriage.


Love Alarm

Love Alarm 2019


Love Alarm is an app that tells you if someone within a 10-meter radius has a crush on you. It quickly becomes a social phenomenon. While everyone talks about it and uses it to test their love and popularity, Jojo is one of the few people who have yet to download the app. However, she soon faces a love triangle situation between Sun-oh whom she starts to have feelings for, and Hye-young, who has had a huge crush on her.


Are You The One?

Are You The One? 2014


In the most ambitious dating experiment ever attempted, a group of gorgeous single women and guys are put through an extensive and scientific matchmaking process to find their Perfect Match.


Mr. Right

Mr. Right 2018


Cheng Hao is a dentist who spends his free time helping others devise ways to get the girl of their dreams, despite the fact that he has never been in love. He meets Luo Yue who deals with jerks and heartbreakers.


Single's Inferno

Single's Inferno 2021


On a deserted island, flirtatious singles look for love, because only as a couple can they leave the island for a romantic date in paradise.


Remarriage & Desires

Remarriage & Desires 2022


Through an exclusive matchmaking agency, women strive to marry a desirable bachelor and into the highest echelon of society.


The Undateables

The Undateables 2018


Hoon-Nam knows about love theoretically, but he rejects falling in love. Jung-Eum wants to fall in love, but, due to her difficult situation, she gives up on finding love. Hoon-Nam and Jung-Eum meet and develop a relationship romantically.


The Matchmakers

The Matchmakers 2023


Set during the Joseon Dynasty, the story of the meeting between the young widow Jung Soon-deok and young widower Shim Jung-woo as well as the struggle the two go through together to marry off the four young maidens who represent Joseon.


Romantic Killer

Romantic Killer 2022


Living her best single life, romance is the last thing on Anzu's mind — until a tiny match-making wizard suddenly turns her life into a clichéd romcom.


Miss Match

Miss Match 2003


Miss Match is a 2003 American television series created by Jeff Rake and Darren Star and produced by Twentieth Century Fox, Darren Star Productions and Imagine Entertainment. It aired in the U.S. on NBC, Australia on Network Seven, Arena and FOX8, and in the UK on Living, Channel 4 and is currently on E4. The series filmed at least 18 episodes but only 8 aired in the US. The entire series aired in both the UK & Canada. Starring Alicia Silverstone and Ryan O'Neal, the show garnered poor ratings, which could have been due to its inability to compete in the Friday 8pm ET timeslot. It was based on the real-life story of Samantha Daniels.


Love, Inc.

Love, Inc. 2005


The energetic staff of LOVE, INC. takes pride in their success as full-service dating consultants. Leading the flourishing team is owner and founder of LOVE, INC., Clea. After her marriage of nine years falls apart, she now finds herself thrust into the dating world once again. Denise Johnson, an energetic, pragmatic, young woman who helps Clea make the company a success, is skilled at helping her clients find their seemingly unattainable soulmates, yet struggles with her inability to find true love. Making the hip busy offices run smoothly is Francine, who in addition to being a excellent wingwoman, has a great sense of fashion style and encourages her clients to trust it. Rounding out the staff is Viviana, a quick-witted and sharp tongued receptionist, and Barry, a wingman whose quirky ways and comments always stun everyone.


I Belonged to Your World

I Belonged to Your World 2023


Qi Yue comes from a well-off family and has no ambition at all. She spends her time doing absolutely nothing. One day, her 25-year-old son, Qi Shuo, comes from the future and tells Qi Yue that she will have a bad marriage and a miserable life due to her "death-defying ability." To avoid this regret from happening, Qi Shuo travels back to help her rewrite her fate. When Qi Yue learns that her "future husband" is Lu Xiao, the school's straight-A student, she is forced to make an effort to improve herself in the face of the difference. Qi Shuo develops a "transformation plan," and under the supervision of her own son and her own effort, Qi Yue is admitted to the same university as Lu Xiao. There, she goes head on with Lu Xiao. Qi Shuo takes the initiative to enter Lu Xiao's inner circle and becomes a helper to his mother. With cheekiness and gimmicks, she finally captures the heart of Lu Xiao


The Millionaire Matchmaker

The Millionaire Matchmaker 2008


Patti Stanger is the founder and CEO of the Millionaire's Club, an elite matchmaking that helps wealthy men find the women of their dreams. With a fierce passion for her work, Stanger is determined to find love for each and every one of her clients.


The Gold Matchmaker

The Gold Matchmaker 2014


Jin Ling Long ran away from home and became a matchmaker. She dight daily with Li Yue Chen and courageously manages a "matchmaker's house".


Pink Lie

Pink Lie 2022


Young men and women move into the Pink House, each carrying one lie about themselves, be it their occupation, age, or academic background. Whirlwinds of emotions break out in the face of unraveling truth. Identities reveal as the relationships walk the tight rope between love and reality.


DMD Friendship The Reality

DMD Friendship The Reality 2023


A group of eight Domundi artist trainees come together in this reality show where they'll develop their skills and compete in a series of missions. All the while, they'll be working on their chemistry in the search for a partner they'll be compatible with both on and off screen. The prize is a the opportunity to perform as the lead couple in a new Domundi Y series.


Love Is Blind: Japan

Love Is Blind: Japan 2022


In this reality dating series, marriage-minded singles in Japan meet, date and get engaged — before ever setting eyes on each other.


Blossom with Love

Blossom with Love 2023


"Blossom with Love" is a "first love" reality program that shows the process of sharing feelings that may be love between a boy and a girl who are awkward because it is their first time and face more exciting and vivid moments because they are clumsy.