Indiana Jones arka galduaren bila

Indiana Jones arka galduaren bila 1981


1936. urtea. Indiana Jones arkeologia irakaslea da, eta abentura arriskutsuak bizitzeko prest dago altxor historikoak lortzeko. Estatu Batuetako gobernuak Itun Arka galdu bat bilatzeko eskatzen dio, kondairak dionez mugagabeko boterea ematen omen du berau lortzen duenak, eta hori dela eta naziekin egingo du topo bilaketa horretan.


Anglo Saxon Attitudes

Anglo Saxon Attitudes 1992


Gerald Middleton, is a taciturn and methodical man, a creature of habit who likes to have his daily routine undisturbed. Separated from his wife and disapproving of his youngest son’s job Gerald’s life and work are starting to lose their meaning. Keenly aware of his faults and the void that he has created around himself Middleton is forced back into the world once again as events from his past begin to catch up with him.


Battlefield Recovery

Battlefield Recovery 2016


WWII history series following a four-man team as they explore the war zones of the Eastern Front in an effort to excavate and preserve the forgotten battle relics, at the same time discovering the stories of fallen soldiers from their remains.