Oz-eko aztia

Oz-eko aztia 1939


Dorothyk, ostadarraz haraindi joatea amets duen neskak, bere nahia beterik ikusiko du tornado batek bera eta bere zakurtxoa Oz-en lurraldera eramaten dituenean. Mendebaldeko sorgin maltzurra iraintzen duenean, eta iparraldeko sorgin zintzoak hala aholkaturik, Esmeraldako hirira abiatzen da bide horiaren barna. Bertan Oz-eko azti ahalguztiduna bizi da, neskari Kansas-era atzera itzultzen lagun diezaiokeen bakarra. Bidean zehar, txorimaloa, latorrizko gizona eta lehoi koldarra izango ditu lagun. Txorimaloak zerebroa nahi du, latorrizko gizonak bihotza eta lehoiak, aldiz, falta zaion ausardia. Oz-eko aztiak beraiei ere lagunduko dielakoan, Esmeraldarako abenturan neskarekin bat egingo dute.


LEGO Pelikula

LEGO Pelikula 2014


Emmet da protagonista. Bera LEGO figura zeharo normala da, baina akats bat tarteko, munduko pertsonarik apartena eta munduaren salbatzaile gisa etikatuko dute. Ondorioz, gaizkile baten atzetik hasiko da ezagutzen ez dituen beste hainbat kiderekin batera.


Chronicles of the Sun

Chronicles of the Sun 2018


Claire is surprised when she gets arrested for the murder of her childhood friend after she returns to Montpellier.


The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 1990


Will, a street-smart teenager, moves from the tough streets of West Philly to posh Bel-Air to live with his Uncle Philip, Aunt Vivian, his cousins — spoiled Hilary, preppy Carlton and young Ashley — and their sophisticated British butler, Geoffrey. Though Will’s antics and upbringing contrast greatly with the upper-class lifestyle of his extended relatives, he soon finds himself right at home as a loved part of the family.


Co-Ed Confidential

Co-Ed Confidential 2007


Co-Ed Confidential is a softcore pornographic cable program that is Cinemax's erotic remake of National Lampoon's Animal House, it is shown on Cinemax After Dark. The series made its premiere in 2007 and has currently had four seasons and 52 episodes and 6 compilations.


The Flying Nun

The Flying Nun 1967


Young Sister Bertrille uses her ability to become airborne to help others, whether they want it or not. Although her aims are always benevolent, her means are often bemoaned by Mother Superior. The other Sisters must cope with their beloved Sister's aerodynamics and antics as she flies in and out of trouble.


Selling Sunset

Selling Sunset 2019


The elite agents at The Oppenheim Group sell the luxe life to affluent buyers in LA. Relationships are everything, and that often means major drama.