Indiana Jones eta Zorigaiztoko Tenplua

Indiana Jones eta Zorigaiztoko Tenplua 1984


1935. Shanghai. Indiana Jones arkeologo ausartak hiriko taberna batean liskar larriak eduki ondoren, ihes egitea lortzen du bertako abeslari batekin eta honen lagun gaztearekin. Hegaldi zoro baten ondoren, Indian bukatuko dute eta bertako herrixka bateko biztanleei laguntzea erabakiko dute.


Windy Tales

Windy Tales 2004


While hanging out on the roof of her school, Nao Ueshima discovers a flock of flying cats. In her haste to snap a picture, Nao tumbles over the side of the building. But instead of plummeting to her doom, Nao is guided by an unseen force that allows her to land safely on her feet. Determined to unlock the secrets of the flying cats and the identity of her rescuer, Nao soon learns that not only is one of her teachers able to control the wind, but he can also teach others to control it, too!