Märksõna Law School
Rumal pöörane armastus 2011
Keskikka jõudnud Cal Weaveril (Steve Carell) on elu kui unistus - hea töökoht, kena maja, vahvad lapsed ja naiseks keskkooliaegne armastatu. Ent kui Cal saab teada, et Emily (Julianne Moore) on teda petnud ning tahab lahutust, kukub see "ideaalne" maailm kiiresti kokku. Veelgi hullem on see, et tänapäeva vallaliste seas tundub aastakümneid ühe ja sama naisega veetnud Cal saamatuse kehastusena. Veetes oma õhtuid kohalikus baaris mossitades, kohtub ja sõbruneb Cal ülieduka naistemehe Jacob Palmeriga (Ryan Gosling). Jacob püüab Cali masendusest välja tuua ja sundida teda eluga edasi minema, avades ta silmad kõigele sellele, mida hetkel enesehaletsuses püherdav mees seni märganud polnud: flirtivad naised, mehised joogid ja stiilne riietus, mida kohalikust supermarketist ei saa.
Legally Blonde 2001
Big Daddy 1999
Step Sisters 2018
Conviction 2010
With Honors 1994
Bordertown 1935
Handle with Care 1958
City of Shadows 1955
Trigger Trail 1944
Le Chignon 2024
Law School 2021
Following the case of the murder of a professor at South Korea's top prestigious law school, professors and students become suspects in the murder.
Prosecutor Princess 2010
Ma Hye Ri is a woman with an excellent memory and ability to focus, which allowed her to pass the bar exam with ease. Despite her talents, she is more interested in being fashionable and dislikes hard work, so she is far from being an ideal prosecutor and has doubts about her suitability for her job. Through her conflicts with senior colleagues and struggles with difficult cases, however, Hye Ri gradually matures into a brilliant prosecutor with a sense of duty and justice.
The Paper Chase 1978
Critically lauded drama about the life and pressures of a group of students at a prestigious Eastern law school, with a strict and domineering contract-law professor named Charles Kingsfield, who alternately inspires and terrifies the students.