
Autod 2006


Et saada maailma parima võidusõiduauto tiitli, peab Pikne McQueen veel ainult ühe võistluse võitma. Niisiis asub ta USA idarannikult Kalifornia poole teele. Kuid äpraduse tõttu satub ta hoopis Radikaribi unisesse linnakesse, kus leiab end peagi vanglast, kuna põhjustas kihutades päris suure pahanduse. Nüüd peab ta mõnda aega selles linnas olema ja tehtud kahju heastama. Alguses McQueeni jaoks halvasti alanud seiklus muutub aja möödudes tänu uutele tuttavatele ja väärtuslikele õppetundidele üha paremaks.


Route 66

Route 66 1960


Route 66 is an American TV series in which two young men traveled across America in a Chevrolet Corvette sports car. The show ran weekly on Fridays on CBS from October 7, 1960 to March 20, 1964. It starred Martin Milner as Tod Stiles and, for the first two and a half seasons, George Maharis as Buz Murdock. Maharis was ill for much of the third season, during which time Tod was shown traveling on his own. Tod met Lincoln Case, played by Glenn Corbett, late in the third season, and traveled with him until the end of the fourth and final season. Among the series more notable aspects were the featured Corvette convertible, and the program's instrumental theme song, which became a major pop hit.


Road 66

Road 66 2017


Having grown up together, Jean-Loup, François, Norman and Nicolas want to celebrate their 50th birthdays with something special. In 2016, they decide to cross the USA on Road 66. The epic motorcycle trip spans 3945 km from Chicago to Santa Monica in California.