Märksõna Window
1408 2007
Salajane aken 2004
Thriller põhineb Stephen Kingi romaanil. Depp on kirjanik, kes elab halvasti: loomingulist põuda ühendab tema abikaasast eraldumine. Sellistes tingimustes ilmub tema ellu imelik tegelane, kes süüdistab teda ühe oma loo plagiaatimises.
Neds 2010
Burnt Offerings 1976
El otro día 2012
Moi Aussi Je T’aime 2013
Window 1964
And they said 2022
Imelda 2014
Night Unto Night 1949
The Window 2014
Piccolo 1959
Nemesis 2020
Saccade 2023
Επειδή 2023
The One Who Looks 1970
The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window 2022
For Anna, every day is the same. She sits with her wine, staring out the window, watching life go by without her. But when a handsome neighbor moves in across the street, Anna starts to see a light at the end of the tunnel. That is until she witnesses a gruesome murder… Or did she?