Märksõna Blackout
Liblikaefekt 2004
Valusatest lapsepõlvemälestustest üle saada võitlev noormees Evan Treborn avastab tehnika, mis võimaldab tal ajas tagasi rännata ja oma lapse keha hõivata, et muuta tema valusa ajaloo kulgu. Ent ka see avastab, et kõik väikesed muutused minevikus muudavad tema tulevikku oluliselt.
Tüdruk rongis 2016
Poseidon 2006
Adagio 2023
Shocker 1989
Alone in the Dark 1982
Faults 2014
Moontide 1942
Beneath 2007
The Shadow Effect 2017
The Power 2021
サバイバルファミリー 2016
The Trigger Effect 1996
The Blackout 2009
Blackout 1978
FlashForward 2009
When the entire world blacks out for two minutes and seventeen seconds, everyone sees a flash of their own future 6 months from the present. For some, the future is hopeful, while for others, it is unexpected. For a few, it doesn't seem to exist. Knowing their fate will alter each person's life, destinies will be changed.
Revolution 2012
One day, electricity just stopped working and the world was suddenly thrust back into the dark ages. Now, 15 years later, a young woman's life is dramatically changed when a local militia arrives and kills her father, who mysteriously—and unbeknownst to her—had something to do with the blackout. An unlikely group sets out off on a daring journey to find answers about the past in the hopes of reclaiming the future.