Millal kotkas julgeb riskida

Millal kotkas julgeb riskida 1968


Liitlaste agendid korraldavad julge haarangu lossis, kus natsid hoiavad vangis Ameerika brigaadikindral George Carnabyt, kuid see pole veel kõik, mis tegelikult toimub. Teise maailmasõja ajal tulistatakse natside valduses oleval territooriumil alla Suurbritannia lennuk. Sakslased tabavad ainsa ellujäänu, Ameerika brigaadikindral George Carnaby ja viivad ta lähimasse SS-peakorterisse. Sakslastele on saladuseks kindrali täielikud teadmised D-päeva operatsioonist. Inglased otsustavad, et kindralil ei tohi lubada mitte miski hinna eest avaldada mingeid üksikasju Normandia dessandist, ja annavad major Jonathan Smithile korralduse juhtida meeskonna rünnakut tema päästmiseks. Meeskonna hulgas on Ameerika Ranger, leitnant Morris Schaffer, kes on hämmingus oma kaasamise üle Suurbritannia operatsiooni. Kui üks meeskonnast pärast langevarjuga maandumist sureb, kahtlustab Schaffer, et Smithi missioonil on palju salajasem eesmärk.



Lola 1981



Hubert und Staller

Hubert und Staller 2011


A show about two Bavarian police officers, Franz Hubert and Johannes Staller, who sometimes work a bit differently. Where Franz wants to follow regulations, Johannes likes to do things his own way.


Café Meineid

Café Meineid 1990


Café Meineid is a German courtroom comedy television series based on actual cases. The series aired 147 episodes from 1990 to 2003 and ended with the death of lead actor Erich Hallhuber.


München 7

München 7 2004


München 7 is a German police drama series from Franz Xaver Bogner. The show is set in Munich, Germany and features the fictive police station "München 7" or "Munich 7". The main characters are the "Sheriff from Marienplatz" Xaver Bartl and his new colleague Felix Kandler. München 7 is part of a series of commonly branded shows with similar themes called "Heiter bis tödlich".



Wildbach 1993


Wildbach is a German television series.



Löwengrube 1989


"Löwengrube – Die Grandauers und ihre Zeit" is a German television series first aired between 1989 and 1992, created by Willy Purucker and directed by Rainer Wolffhardt. It is set in Munich and follows the lives of Ludwig Grandauer and his son Karl, both policemen, covering the years from 1897 to 1954. The TV show is based on Purucker's radio play series Die Grandauers und ihre Zeit (‘The Grandauers and their time’). The series’ main title "Löwengrube", meaning ‘Lions’ Den’, refers to the address of the Munich Police Headquarters inaugurated in 1913.


Oktoberfest: Beer and Blood

Oktoberfest: Beer and Blood 2020


A young girl falls in love with a poor brewer's son. Their relationship is opposed by the girl's father, a rich mobster who has come to town to try to bully his way into the inner circle of Munich's brewery dynasties.