
Lõvi 2016


Saroo oli 5-aastane India poisiklutt, kes elas küll vaesuses, aga kellel oli armastav ja kokkuhoidev pere. Kuid siis sattus uudishimulik poiss rongijaama uitama, astus seisvasse rongi ja otsustas seal väikese uinaku teha. Kui ta uuesti silmad avas, olid rongi uksed suletud ja rong kihutamas aina kaugemale Saroo kodust ning perekonnast. Poiss jõuab Kolkatasse, kus ta satub lastekodusse ja seejärel ühe Austraalia abielupaari hoole alla. Saroo saab endale uue armastava kodu ja ei pea puudust kannatama, kuid jääb alati oma tõelist perekonda igatsema. Sellest ajendatuna asub ta täiskasvanuna koduteed otsima, abiks sihikindlus, lapsepõlvest säilinud üksikud mälupildid ja Google Earth.


Secret of the Heart

Secret of the Heart 1998


Secret of the Heart is a 1998 TVB production that was first aired from February 16,1998 to May 10, 1998. The drama had a powerful roster that is made up of Gallen Lo, Felix Wong, Amy Kwok, Kathy Chow, Sunny Chan, Ada Choi, Jessica Hsuan and Nick Cheung. It won three TVB Anniversary Awards, including Best Actor for Gallen Lo, Best Actress for Ada Choi and Best On-Screen Improvement Award for Nick Cheung. The drama also received a late night hour rerun during 2003 and 2010. It was digitally remastered for the 2010 rerun.


Long Lost Family

Long Lost Family 2016


Follow the touching stories of people who have suffered a lifetime of separation and are yearning to be reunited with their birthparents and biological families or find children they had to place for adoption long ago.