Kaldale uhutud

Kaldale uhutud 2000


Chuck Noland on FedExi tippspetsialist, kelle erialast ja isiklikku elu valitseb kell. Täna viib töö ta Moskvasse, järgmisel nädalal juba Lõuna-Ameerikasse, kusjuures sageli saavad nii Chuck ise kui tema pruut Kelly sellest teada vaid veidi enne reisi algust. Kuid mehe elu muutub päeva pealt, kui ta elab üle lennuõnnetuse. Katastroofist ainsana eluga pääsenud Chuck satub üksikule troopikasaarele, kus tuleb järgnevad määramatud päevad-kuud-aastad hakkama saada.


Kuus päeva, seitse ööd

Kuus päeva, seitse ööd 1998


Romantiline komöödia piloot Quinnist, kes teenib elatist oma lennukiloguga juhuotsi tehes. Robin on moetoimetaja New Yorgist, kes puhkab koos oma kihlatuga Quinni kodusaarel. Ootamatu tööülesande tõttu peab Robin Tahitile lendama ning on sunnitud selleks Quinni abi paluma. Teel puhkeb aga torm, mis heidab lennuki üksikule saarele. Pärast kuus päeva ja seitse ööd kestvat seiklust saab nende suhe uue pöörde.


Black Lagoon

Black Lagoon 2006


The story follows a team of pirate mercenaries known as the Lagoon Company, that smuggles goods in and around the seas of Southeast Asia in the early to mid 1990s. Their base of operations is located in the fictional harbor city of Roanapur in southeast Thailand near the border of Cambodia.


Flight 29 Down

Flight 29 Down 2005


Some teenagers are stranded on a desert island in Micronesia. Their plane crashed and led them into a one-in-a-lifetime eco-adventure. They will have to learn to navigate the challenges that come before them in the tropical paradise in Hawaii using intelligence, wit, and instincts. They also have to learn to live with each other.


Larva Island

Larva Island 2018


Stranded on a tropical island, two silly larva buddies find slapstick fun in everything from discovering food to meeting new animal friends.


Lord of the Flies

Lord of the Flies 1970


The story of a group of young schoolchildren who find themselves stranded on a tropical island with no adults, following a deadly plane crash. In an attempt to remain civil, the boys organize themselves, led by Ralph and supported by the group's intellectual, Piggy. But Jack, who is in charge of signal fire duty, is more interested in hunting and vying for leadership and soon begins to draw other boys away from the order of the group and, ultimately, from hope to tragedy.