Planet Robot Danguard Ace

Planet Robot Danguard Ace
Planet Robo Danguard Ace is a Japanese science fiction anime series created by Leiji Matsumoto with Dan Kobayashi. It was licensed by Jim Terry Productions as part of the Force Five promotion as simply "Danguard Ace". English dialog was written for re-dubbing by Lynn Garrison who then combined a number of episodes into a feature length presentation which gained a cult following on the Showtime network during the eighties. The titular robot also appeared in Marvel Comics' Shogun Warriors series, as well as the toy line of the same name. In 2009, William Winckler Productions produced three all new English dubbed movie versions edited from the original series. Producer William Winckler, known for Tekkaman the Space Knight, wrote, produced and directed the English films, which are seen on broadband in Japan. Dangard Ace is Matsumoto's only contribution to the giant robot genre.
TitlePlanet Robot Danguard Ace
Cast, , , , ,
Alternative TitlesDanguard la Conquête des Planètes, Wakusei robo Dangādo A
Keyword, ,
First Air DateMar 06, 1977
Last Air dateMar 26, 1978
Season1 Season
Episode56 Episode
Runtime28:14 minutes
IMDb: 7.30/ 10 by 3.00 users


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