Zbigniew Malecki The Kiosk Brigitte Bardot Forever Brigitte Bardot Forever Brigitte Bardot Forever Nędzarz i madame Nędzarz i madame Nędzarz i madame Nędzarz i madame Valley of the Gods Valley of the Gods Valley of the Gods Historia Roja Smolensk Zerwany kłos Gejsza Adventurers' Club The Mill and the Cross Glass Lips Glass Lips Glass Lips Emily Cries Emily Cries Field of Dogs Metanoia Złom Adventurers' Club The Mill and the Cross The Mill and the Cross The Mill and the Cross Decalogue I Decalogue II Decalogue III Decalogue IV Decalogue V Decalogue VII Decalogue VI Decalogue VIII Decalogue IX Decalogue X