Shōtarō Saijō A Color Print of Edo Kōmon to yajikita kara su-gumi ihen Ghost-Cat of Arima Palace はだか大名 後篇 はだか大名 前篇 Trouble Over Swords and Women: A Woman's Mind Trouble Over Swords and Women: Sword Light and Shooting Star The Revenge of Yukinojo, Part 1: Revenge and Love Kenpu Renpeikan Terrible Ghost Cat of Okazaki Jūrokumon karasudō: Sennin higan The Revenge of Yukinojo, Part 2: Dance of Revenge The Revenge of Yukinojo, Part 3: Sword of Revenge 紅顏鼓笛隊 The Ghost Cat of Ouma Crossing Chushingura: The Truth The Dancer and Two Warriors Obsessive Snake White Snake Woman The Phantom Cat Secrets of Fuji 2 The Ghost Cat and the Mysterious Shamisen The Ghost Cat and the Mysterious Shamisen The Black Hooded Man 2 The Black Hooded Man Case of a Young Lord 1 Arima Neko Ghost of Saga Mansion Case of a Young Lord 2 Mangorō Tengu The Black Hooded Man 3 Sedge Hat