The story revolves around three boys: Amar, Arjun and Rakesh who fall for the same girl, Suniti. We are introduced to Amar who is a well natured and cultured boy, with whom Suniti naturally falls in love with. While everything seems right in their relationship, a poor village worker, Arjun, mistakes the good behavior of Suniti and her father with their affection for him, and starts fantasizing a romantic relationship with Suniti. Rakesh however, tries to bring Amar down by tricking Suniti into marrying him by force.
Title | Kusume Rumal |
Year | 1985 |
Genre | |
Country | |
Studio | |
Cast | Bhuwan K.C., Tripti Nadakar, Udit Narayan, Neer Bikram Shah, Pradip Pakhrin |
Crew | Tulsi Ghimire (Writer), Tulsi Ghimire (Director), Sumitra Paudel (Producer) |
Keyword | family relationships, romance, coming of age, tragedy |
Release | Feb 17, 1985 |
Runtime | 125 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb | 7.70 / 10 by 3 users |
Popularity | 1 |
Budget | 0 |
Revenue | 0 |
Language | English, |