Keyword Biodynamic Agriculture
One Man, One Cow, One Planet 2007
One man, One cow, One planet exposes globalization and the mantra of infinite growth in a finite world for what it really is: an environmental and human disaster. But across India marginal farmers are fighting back. By reviving biodynamics an arcane form of agriculture, they are saving their poisoned lands and exposing the bio-colonialism of multinational corporations. One man, One cow, One planet tells their story through the teachings of an elderly New Zealander many are calling the new Gandhi.
Sovereign Soil 2019
Built on a layer of frozen earth, Dawson City, Yukon, Canada has subarctic winters where temperatures routinely drop below −40°C. Meet the four season food producers who engage in small-scale agriculture, and those who support their back-to-the-land movement. These resilient unassuming farmers have carved out small patches of fertile soil, in an otherwise unforgiving expanse of isolated wilderness, to make a living and a life.
Dr Rudolf Steiner and the Science of Spiritual Realities 1993
This television documentary takes us on a fascinating journey into the realms just beyond our five senses, where thoughts are things and creation begins. Rudolf Steiner not only found how to experience these areas directly, in a very safe and methodical manner, but he also developed specific techniques which, if utilized in the right way and with the proper intention, enable the individual to have insight into the spiritual realities. In addition to learning of this extraordinary individuality, we meet some of the men and women who are utilizing the impulses brought by Dr. Steiner to expand and enhance their specific vocations in very practical ways, e.g. education, agriculture, medicine, astronomy, mathematics, architecture, the arts, and working with retarded children and adults.
Perfect Compost: a Master Class with Peter Proctor 2012
Peter Proctor is New Zealand's father of biodynamic agriculture. Peter has been gardening and making compost for over 65 years. "Biodymanics makes organics work." Compost is the fundamental element in all gardening & farming. This master class takes you through the biodynamic compost making process from gathering and assembling your materials to creating the perfect compost heap. Rudolf Steiner believed biodynamic compoast was the foundation of humanity and the vital link between the cosmos and the earth. In Perfect Compost, Peter Proctor walks you through every step to building perfect compost.
Michael Schmidt: Organic Hero or Bioterrorist 2008
The story of raw organic milk in Canada and the consumer’s right to choose It is illegal to distribute raw milk in Canada. In November 2006, twenty-five armed officers raided Michael Schmidt’s Glencolton Farms as he drove up the lane in his old Blue Bus on the way to deliver raw milk to his cow-share members in Toronto. Officials confiscated raw milk, cheese-making equipment, computers, and files. This film follows a year in the life of a Canadian activist farmer as he struggles to provide his “farm fresh milk” while battling authorities. Schmidt prepares for his trial and attempts to find a political solution to legally provide raw (unpasteurized) organic milk in Canada.