Robert Constant Ghost in a Teeny Bikini Ghost in a Teeny Bikini Bikini Round-Up Teenage Cavegirl The Big Hustle Bikini Girls from the Lost Planet Bikini Girls from the Lost Planet Vampir der Leidenschaft Word of Mouth Life of a Gigolo The Seventh Sense Haunting Desires Surrender Temptations Venomous Tomb of the Werewolf Gale Force - Die 10-Millionen-Dollar-Falle Komodo vs. Cobra Komodo vs. Cobra Angel Blade Cry of the Winged Serpent Genie in a String Bikini Lost Shockwave - Kampf der Maschinen Amys Orgasmus Stranded - Operation Weltraum College Animals 2 Countess Dracula's Orgy of Blood Submerged Air Rage - Terror in 30.000 Fuß Höhe