De ti bud

De ti bud 1956


I det ældgamle ægypten adopterer faraoen spædbarnet Moses, der senere opdager, at han i virkeligheden er jøde. Moses beslutter at lede jøderne til frihed i Kanaans land på trods af sin bror Ramses hårdhændede forsøg på at stoppe dem. Senere drager Moses alene til Sinai-bjerget hvor han modtager de ti bud som leveregler for sit folk.


You Don't Mess with the Zohan

You Don't Mess with the Zohan 2008


Selvom den israelske superagent Zohan har succes på jobbet, held hos damerne og fans i hobetal, så er han ikke lykkelig. Allerhelst ville Zohan nemlig være frisør i USA, så da chancen byder sig, iscenesætter han sin egen død og flytter til New York. Zohan evner inden for frisørfaget står dog ikke helt mål med hans ambitioner, så han ender som medhjælper i en salon i et kvarter fuld af palæstinensere og gamle fjender.


Salomon og Dronningen af Saba

Salomon og Dronningen af Saba 1959


Da Salomon bliver valgt til at efterfølge sin far, Kong David, sværger han at genopbygge Jerusalem og gøre Israel til en stærk magt. Men hans jaloux bror, Adonija, den ægyptiske Farao og den forførende dronning af Saba konspirerer for at vælte Salomon af tronen. Denne fantastiske storfilm var instruktøren King Vidars sidste og portrætterer nogle af de største herskere, kongedømmer og slag i bibelhistorien.


7 Days in Entebbe

7 Days in Entebbe 2018


Fire terrorister kaprer et fly, tager passagererne som gidsler og tvinger flyet til at lande i Entebbe, Uganda, i 1976. Baggrunden for gidseltagningen var et forsøg på at få Israel til at befri snesevis af fængslede palæstinensiske terrorister. Israelerne svarede resolut igen.



München 2005


Ved De Olympiske Lege i 1972 blev de israelske atleter taget som gidsler og siden myrdet af den palæstinensiske terrorgruppe Black September. Det udviklede sig til en tragedie og som kostede 11 israelere livet. Efterfølgende rekrutterede den israelske regering en gruppe Mossad agenter, som fik til at opgave at efterspore og derefter henrette dem, der var ansvarlige for aktionen.


Jesus Christ Superstar

Jesus Christ Superstar 1973


Denne blændende version af Tim Rices og Andrew Lloyd Webbers rockopera fortolkning af historien om Kristi sidste uge i en frisk og episk fremstilling.


The Red Sea Diving Resort

The Red Sea Diving Resort 2019


Et hotel ved Sudans kyst ud til Det Røde Hav blev først i 80'erne base for, at Mossad smuglede etiopiske jøder fra en flygtningelejr til Israel.



Exodus 1960


Fragtskibet Exodus bryder i 1947 den britiske blokade for at sætte kurs mod Haifa. Om bord er Ari Ben Canaan og 610 andre jøder, der vil grundlægge staten Israel, men de ydre fjender, briterne og araberne, er ikke de eneste hindringer. Der er også uenigheder om metoderne, og den moderate Ari møder hårdnakket modstand fra den kamplystne Dov og fra sin egen onkel.


Operation Finale

Operation Finale 2018


I 1960 iværksætter israelske spioner en mission for at fange den berygtede naziforbryder Adolf Eichmann og stille ham for retten. Baseret på virkelige hændelser.


Spider in the Web

Spider in the Web 2019


Mens han er omgivet af løgne og svig, får den hemmelige agent og tidligere soldat, Adereth, en sidste mission for at afsløre sandheden bag produktionen af kemiske våben i Syrien. Sammen med den unge ambitiøse agent Daniel, møder Adereth den noget gådefulde Angela, som viser sig at være et vigtigt spor i hans videre efterforskning. Men tvivlsomme allierede og en lyssky fortid fanger Adereth i et kompliceret spind af mistillid.


David og Batseba

David og Batseba 1951


Et storslået, actionspækket epos, der hvirvler op fra Biblens sider og hen over skærmen for at genskabe en af de mest fængslende fortællinger om lidenskab nogensinde. Gregory Peck leverer en overbevisende præstation som David, israeliternes konge, som forelsker sig i Batseba (Susan Hayward) – en smuk kvinde, som er gift med en af hans kaptajner. Det er en historie om synd og forløsning – en kærlighedssaga så brændende som sandet i de barske omgivelser, hvor deres forhold blev fuldbyrdet. En kærlighed, som forbrød sig mod menneskets love – og Guds. David, den udvalgte, risikerer nu Guds vrede, sit kongerige og Batseba, som kan blive stenet ihjel for hans synder!


Eretz Nehederet

Eretz Nehederet 2003


An Israeli satire show featuring satirical references to current affairs of the past week through parodies of the people involved, as well as the thoughts of recurring characters. One of the most watched and influential shows on Israeli TV.


Rosh Gadol

Rosh Gadol 2004


It all started with a missile… The dramatic series follows the life of Junior High students who take part in “young initiators” project at school, in which they must come up with an interesting, innovative and practical invention. They must also play according to the adults world- plan the invention, recruit the funding for its development’ market and sell it. The winner team will take part in the world wide competition to be held in the Netherlands.



המרדף 2017


A fast-paced quiz show in which four contestants who do not know each other join forces in a dramatic and question-filled brain battle against a professional quizzer, known as the “chaser”, who attempts to prevent them from winning a cash prize. The contestants must battle the “chaser” in fast and tense trivia battles to succeed in defeating him together as a group and win the money.



Tehran 2020


Tamar is a Mossad hacker-agent who infiltrates Tehran under a false identity to help destroy Iran's nuclear reactor. But when her mission fails, Tamar must plan an operation that will place everyone dear to her in jeopardy.


Spell Keepers

Spell Keepers 2017


“Spell Keepers” is an exciting, mysterious and fantastical suspense series. It focuses on two strong and determined girl heroines – Kirki and Laila who have set out to perform their crucial roles in the world. As they strive to save humanity, they must choose between their own personal happiness and fulfill their destinies, while facing an inevitable collision between good and evil.



Shtisel 2013


Akiva and Shulem Shtisel, father and son, sit on a little balcony overlooking streets of the Geula neighborhood of Jerusalem. A year has passed since the mother died. All the other children have left the nest, and only Shulam and Akiva remain - quarreling, making up, and laughing about themselves and the rest of the world. All will change when Akiva meets Elisheva.


Charlie Golf One

Charlie Golf One 2016


Charlie Golf One (TAAGAD in Hebrew) is a fast-paced action comedy drama series that follows the extraordinary and unusual events in the lives of medical soldiers serving in a remote military base of an elite infantry unit. The series will have you laughing one moment and put you at the edge of your seat in the next.


Ha-Chaim Ze Lo Hacol

Ha-Chaim Ze Lo Hacol 2001


Israeli TV sitcom about a divorced couple trying to live their lives together.


Game of Chefs

Game of Chefs 2014


A reality cooking competition open for both amateur and professional chefs, competing for the title of “Israel's most talented chef” using blind taste tests in almost all stages of the format.


The Jews Are Coming

The Jews Are Coming 2014


Israeli satire show investigating the historical, social and political heritage of the jewish people and the state of Israel, from biblical days to this day, killing sacred cows and questioning Jewish myths and Israeli ethos.


Beauty and the Baker

Beauty and the Baker 2013


Amos, a 28-year-old baker, still lives with his parents and works in the family business. Noa is the most famous woman in the country and the beautiful daughter of a hotel magnate. Noa and Amos will meet by mistake, but it's a meeting neither will ever forget...



Ramzor 2008


3 middle aged men in a conflict with life about their wives, friends, children and everyday situations.


False Flag

False Flag 2015


The series, loosely based on the true story of the assassination in Dubai of a senior Hamas official Mahmoud al-Mabhouh - the co-founder of military wing of the Islamist Palestinian group Hamas on 19 January 2010, revolves around five ordinary Israeli citizens who discover one morning via the media that they are the principal suspects of a high-profile kidnapping and are implicated as culprits in the kidnapping.


Prisoners of War

Prisoners of War 2010


After 17 years in captivity, Israeli soldiers Nimrode Klein, Uri Zach, and Amiel Ben Horin return home to the country that made them national icons. They work to overcome the trauma of torture and captivity while settling back into their interrupted family lives. Meanwhile, the military psychiatrist assigned to them finds discrepancies in the soldiers' testimonies, and launches an investigation to discover what they are hiding.



Betulot 2014


Sirens is a thriller set in Eilat. It revolves around Shelley Toledano, 32, a policewoman with the Illegal Aliens unit, which is mostly devoted to documenting and following refugees from Africa who infiltrate the city through its border with Egypt. Shelley is rugged and outspoken, and used to the difficult sights that come with the job. But one day, when the body of the person closest to her is found, her life is turned upside down.



Manayek 2020


Izzy Bachar, a police internal affairs investigator, discovers just before retirement that his long time friend Barak, a senior police officer, is accused to be corrupt. Life as he knows it breaks into pieces.


Tzomet Miller

Tzomet Miller 2016


When showbiz and everyday life intertwine. an inside look at the life of one of Israel's most popular and prolific comedians, Adir Miller. Stand-up comedian, creator and star of the popular comedy, Traffic Light, Adir gives viewers a behind-the-scenes look at the world of show business. Along with his eccentric and megalomaniacal agent, Adir struggles to prove his abilities as a "serious" actor because everyone typecasts him as a "funny guy".


La Famiglia

La Famiglia 2015


A hilarious family sitcom that follows the lives of a perfectly normal suburban family living in the divorce capital of the country. With many reasons to be happy, they have even more reasons to go to therapy – their sex life, his best friend, her complaints, and of course, his mother. Their therapy sessions provide the entertaining basis for the series, through which we flashback to the comical, stand-alone scenes from their daily life. Each episode is a new therapy session in which they bring up the most embarrassing, bizarre, awkward and insane moments that are a part of every family’s life.


Susei Pere

Susei Pere 2016


Israeli TV show about horses.



Sisters 2016


Orit, Natalie and Mor are three sisters, and they are unsuccessful at everything.