Little Man

Little Man 2006


Wayans-brødrene står bag denne komedie om en meget lille kriminel, der skal udgive sig for at være en baby. Altsammen for at skaffe en stjålen diamant tilbage. Calvin er i stand til at få fat i diamanten, men bliver næsten fanget under flugten, og han gemmer diamanten i en taske, der tilhører en forbipasserende. Ivrige efter at generhverve sig diamanten fra den intetanende medskyldige, regner Calvin og Percy ud, hvordan de kommer ind i hans hus - de klæder Calvin ud som baby, efterlader ham på dørtrinnet hos den forbipasserende. Det par, der bor der, har tilfældigvis ønsket sig et barn, og de tager ivrigt den nyankomne under deres vinger, nyder glæderne ved at blive forældre og ignorerer nogle af tumlingens besynderlige måder at opføre sig på.


Billy Elliot

Billy Elliot 2000


Billy tvinges til at gå til boksning af sin far, selvom han er en elendig slagsbror. En dag, da den arme dreng er til træning, ser han, at de i lokalet ved siden af danser ballet. Billy lader sig overtale til at deltage af balletlærerindens datter. Da Billys far opdager sønnens "umandige" interesse, bliver han rasende, og Billy bliver korporligt fjernet fra øvelokalet. Men lærerinden, der har set Billys talent, giver ikke op.


Little Women: NY

Little Women: NY 2015


A group of little ladies navigate the Big Apple while facing obstacles that test people even of average height like hailing cabs, catching subways and traversing crowded streets. These east coast besties scramble to try to make it big in Manhattan, supporting one another every step of the way as they prove that “if they can make it there, they’ll make it anywhere”.


Half Pint Brawlers

Half Pint Brawlers 2010


Half Pint Brawlers is a wrestling company and television series. The company is considered the craziest and also the top midget wrestling company in the country. Known for controversy and also for their hardcore wrestling style, they often use staple guns, thumb tacks, broken bottles, and barbed wire in their matches. They got a fraternity kicked off of campus for one of their politically incorrect shows, and have been banned from performing in certain states. The company is made up of Puppet "The Psycho Dwarf" who runs the company. Little Kato "The Dwarf Destroyer" is the veteran of the group and he almost dies in the very first episode. Beautiful Bobby is Kato's long-haired brother known for his high-flying style. Turtle is the rookie of the group and the fellow emcee. Madd Mexx is known as "The Immigration Sensation". Teo is the smallest Extreme Athlete who causes the most problems in the group and stands in at 3 ft 10 in. Spyder Nate Webb is the only tall guy in the group and also acts as an announcer. Spike TV aired the first season of the series following the Half Pint Brawlers in 2010. During the first season of the show, the Brawlers performed shows at a maximum security prison, on Bourbon Street, at a redneck festival, and a show with Luchadores in Mexico. The show was produced by the Lumberjack Crew and Idea Factory production companies.