Jurassic World: Dominion

Jurassic World: Dominion 2022


Dinosaurerne lever side om side med menneskene kloden rundt. Det er dog ikke en lykkelig sameksistens. De forhistoriske monstre angriber nemlig både menneske og nutidens dyreracer. Vi møder igen Owen og Claire, der bor isoleret i en skov med deres plejedatter Maisie. Fortidens hemmeligheder sniger sig dog snart ind på Maisie og plejeforældrene, hvilket afstedkommer sin del af farlige problemer. Det stopper dog ikke her, for en sværm af destruktive kæmpegræshopper truer i næste nu verdens afgrøder. Ulykkerne peger i retning af selskabet Biosyn, der forsker i netop dinosaurer i et nyoprettet reservat.


Jurassic Park

Jurassic Park 1993


Den excentriske millionær John Hammond inviterer to dinosauruseksperter til sin forlystelsespark på en ø ud for Costa Ricas kyst. Ved at klone DNA fra forhistoriske insekter har han skabt levende dinosauruser. Sammen med Hammonds to børnebørn og kaosteoretikeren Ian Malcolm får de to eksperter en tur gennem parken i en computerstyret bil. Undervejs bliver øen ramt af en tropisk storm. Strømsvigt for de store dyr til at gå amok.


Uhyret fra den sorte lagune

Uhyret fra den sorte lagune 1954


Videnskabsmænd bedøver og fanger et undervandsmonster, som bliver forelsket i den ledende videnskabsmands kvindelige assistent (Julia Adams). Det ensomme uhyre - "et levende, amfibisk missing link" - flygter og kidnapper genstanden for sin kærlighed. Videnskabsmanden (Richard Carlson) sætter alt ind for at redde sin assistent og smide det uheldsvangre uhyre tilbage til dybet, hvor det kom fra. Den velspillede og velinstruerede Creature from the Black Lagoon med Bud Westmores geniale monster forbliver en tidløs hyldest til filmens kreative skabere.


Quatermass and the Pit

Quatermass and the Pit 1967


Ved en udgravning i London bliver der fundet et mystisk metalobjekt. Det ligner en bombe, så militæret bliver straks tilkaldt og med dem følger den nysgerrige professor Quatermass. Det viser sig snart, at der ikke er tale om en gammel bombe. Metalgenstanden er et rumskib. Og det er ikke tomt.


Jurassic Park 2: The Lost World

Jurassic Park 2: The Lost World 1997


Den galgenhumoristiske kaosteoretiker Dr. Malcolm ser sig manipuleret tilbage til dér, hvor de genopståede dinosaurusser kommer fra - Jurassic Park - for endnu engang at bekæmpe de hjernedøde bæster.


Jurassic Park III

Jurassic Park III 2001


Stenalderforskeren Dr. Alan Grant lader sig overtale af en rig eventyrer til at være guide på en flyvetur over øen Isla Sorna. Øen er en berygtet yngleplads for kæmpe urskabninger, og efter en ulykke opdager Grant, at der er særlige grunde til at han er blevet inviteret med. Rejseholdet møder en række frygtindgydende eksemplarer af de nye forhistoriske skabninger, der er intelligente og ualmindeligt aggressive.


Prehistoric Planet

Prehistoric Planet 2022


Experience the wonders of our world like never before in this epic series from Jon Favreau and the producers of Planet Earth. Travel back 66 million years to when majestic dinosaurs and extraordinary creatures roamed the lands, seas, and skies.


Dino Dan

Dino Dan 2009


Join paleontologist-in-training Dan Henderson as he takes kids on a Jurassic journey to the land where lizards were as long as three school buses and terrifying T-Rex’s ruled.


The Great Dyings

The Great Dyings 2023


Life is a fragile thing. It changes and adapts so specifically to survive in the environment it's placed in. This ability to adapt is called evolution, and it's the reason that life has endured for the past few billion years. But evolution takes a long time, so when environments change too quickly for the inhabitants to keep up, the result is a drop in population or at the worst… extinction. And sometimes these changes can be so big that they affect the entire globe. Leading to some of the most catastrophic events in our planet’s history… mass extinctions. Content creator Angel of Death explores the five mass extinctions and the effects they had on life on earth in this five part miniseries.


Jurassic Fight Club

Jurassic Fight Club 2008


Imagines prehistoric life in this entertainment series about dinosaur battles. Computer-generated dinosaurs engage in conflicts choreographed using paleontological evidence from 70-million-year-old crime scenes. Jurassic Fight Club was hosted by George Blasing, a self-taught paleontologist.


Megafauna: What Killed Australia's Giants?

Megafauna: What Killed Australia's Giants? 2024


Australia was once home to a group of extraordinary animals known as Megafauna. What became of them has been debated for over a century, but now a team of scientists are re-opening this Palaeolithic cold case.


Monsters We Met

Monsters We Met 2003


Three part series detailing the dangerous prehistoric creatures humans met as they explored the world for the first time.



Eons 2017


Join hosts Hank Green, Kallie Moore, and Blake de Pastino as they take you on a journey through the history of life on Earth. From the dawn of life in the Archaean Eon through the Mesozoic Era — the so-called “Age of Dinosaurs” -- right up to the end of the most recent Ice Age. The evolutionary history of mammals including humans and other modern species is explored with these amazing paleontology experts.


History of the Earth

History of the Earth 2020


From Pete, David and Leila - the creators of History Time, Voices of the Past and Something Incredible. From dust to dinosaurs; come with us as we explore the entire history of our planet. History of the Earth tells the entire story of the Earth, from its formation 4.5 billion years ago to today – covering eye-watering geology and bizarre biology along the way.


Dinosaur Britain

Dinosaur Britain 2015


Dinosaurs! The very word conjures up fascination and intrigue with millions of us dreaming of becoming a palaeontologist when we were younger. Yet few of us realise that over 50 different dinosaur species have been found in Britain. Dinosaur Britain tells the amazing story of many of the dinosaurs that once roamed our country revealing how they hunted, what they ate and how they died from the evidence revealed from their bones.


Prehistoric Autopsy

Prehistoric Autopsy 2012


A journey into our evolutionary past, piecing together the bodies of our prehistoric family.