
Contact 1997


Det spændende eventyr om, hvordan vi kommer i kontakt med intelligent liv i rummet, vækker dyb forundring, og de fejende flotte billeder sender publikum ud til rummets og fantasiens yderste grænse. Jodie Foster spiller astronomen Ellie Arroway, der er videnskabens kvinde. Matthew McConaughey spiller den religiøse lærde Palmer Joss, der er troens mand. De står i hver sin ende af spektret - og pludselig havner de i centrum, da nedtællingen til menneskehedens største rejse begynder. Contact er stærk, spændende og følelsesladet.



Underwater 2020


Filmen handler om en hold undervandsforskere, som må stå sammen for at overleve efter et jordskælv rammer deres underjordiske laboratorium.



Primer 2004


Abe og Aaron arbejder i et trist industriområde i udkanten af byen. Om dagen arbejder de for en stor virksomhed, men om aftenen bruger de al deres tid tid på et sideprojekt: en opfindelse der formindsker massen hos de objekter som placeres i den gennem manipulation af tyngdekraften. Snart opdager de at maskinen også har uventede egenskaber - den synes at kunne give Abe och Aaron alt hvad de ønsker sig. At tage denne uforudsete og unikke chance bliver deres første udfordring. At møde de skræmmende konsekvenser bliver den næste udfordring.


Bad Obsession Motorsport - Project Binky

Bad Obsession Motorsport - Project Binky 2013


In the first episode of Project Binky, we take a rotten old Austin Mini and strip it down to a bare shell. We then take an angle grinder to it and cut it to pieces. It's only then that the customised rebuilding process starts. We're trying to create one of the fastest Minis on the planet. We're going to rebuild it with the engine and running gear from a Toyota Celica ST185 GT4. Or at least that's the plan. Whether it comes off or not is another matter. We're filming this as it happens so what you see is only a few weeks behind where we're actually at so we're not sure yet whether we can do it. That's kind of the fun though. Stick with us through the highs and the lows of the project. Hopefully it'll be worth the agony and cash. Feel free to share it far and wide!


Monster Moves

Monster Moves 2005


Impossibly large structures... Teams with a mission to move them! This is the kind of daunting challenge facing teams of building movers from the UK, America and Canada.


Shop Class

Shop Class 2020


Youthful ingenuity is on display in this new competition series that features teams of inventive students tasked with designing, building, and testing new contraptions to vie for the title of Shop Class Champs. In each episode, they’ll present their work to a panel of experts who will rate their projects based on engineering, design, and the final test of the build.


Ultimate Supercar

Ultimate Supercar 2020


Today's high-end high-performance Supercars are an amazing combination of art and science. Super Car Build finds out how they do it and goes behind the scenes at some of the most legendary automotive marques to discover the hidden engineering secrets and keys to each machine's success.


The Secret Life of Components

The Secret Life of Components 2021


Coinciding with the release of the remastered original episodes of The Secret Life Of Machines, Tim Hunkin began a self-produced spiritual successor called The Secret Life of Components. It explores some of the individual parts that so often make up the appliances and machines that were the focus of the original series. The weekly episodes included what Hunkin has learned through his experience with the component, along with many models for demonstration and examples from his amusement machines and other works.