
Odstřelovač 2009


Do hlavní dějové linie jsou zasazeni tři profesionální odstřelovači. Hartman – odstřelovač policejní jednotky. Ching – bývalý policista uvězněn za nešťastné zabití rukojmí při akci. A poslední je nováček u policejních sborů OJ. Ching dává za vinu Hartmanovi, že byl uvězněn a jakmile ho propustí z vězení pokouší sabotovat Hartmanovu práci a hlavně chce nasimulovat událost, kvůli které byl uvězněn. Aby získal Hartmanovu pozornost jako rukojmí použije jeho dceru. Do toho se přídává OJ, jehož vzorem je právě Hartman, a tak se všichni tři pouští do strhujícího souboje odstřelovačů v hongkongských ulicích.


School Shock

School Shock 2015


In 2017, a group of genius scientists achieve a remarkable breakthrough in bioengineering. However, all the new technologies are put into military use, beginning a new round of arms race. Vanguards, as the most significant achievement of the modern bioengineering and the most advanced weapon, are widely utilized in the race. Although vanguards are exceptionally combat-effective, their life expectancy is shortened by the nanomachines they use. Usually, most vanguards will retire from the army after a number of years in service. The heroine Liuli has also consumed too much of her lifespan after executing missions for a long time. With only 380 days left in her life, Liuli receives a new mission, to rescue a hostage being held in a civilian facility. It is without doubt a difficult mission for a vanguard like Liuli, who only knows how to kill and battle. However, Liuli obediently decides to accept the mission in the end. During the mission, Liuli surprisingly finds that the man who holds the hostage was once a vanguard. The former vanguard Zhongrong Zhou cries and asks the government to hand over the son of Eden. As a vanguard, Liuli feels deep contempt against Zhou. To eliminate the scum of the vanguards, a battle between two vanguards begins...