Dětská hra 3

Dětská hra 3 1991


Po několika letech v továrně na hračky opět rozjíždějí výrobu panenky Chucky. Její první vzorek dostane sám majitel pan Sullivan. Panenka má v sobě však stále vtěleného škrtiče – ožívá a majitele firmy uškrtí. Pak hledá Andyho Barclaye, do kterého se chtěl duch škrtiče vtělit. Chucky je zase tady… Andy je nyní dospívající chlapec, který přichází na vojenskou školu. Zde poznává nepříjemného podplukovníka Shelltona, vzdorovitou Kristen a chlapce Ronalda Tylera. Ten přebírá balík, který má doručit Andymu. Zjišťuje, že je v něm panenka Chucky.


Damien: Omen II

Damien: Omen II 1978


Malý Damien, který je novým vtělením Satana, usilujícího o návrat a nadvládu nad světem, byl po smrti svého adoptivního otce (zastřeleného policií při neúspěšném pokusu Damiena zabít), adoptován samotným prezidentem Spojených států. Když vyroste, odejde studovat do luxusní vojenské školy. Opět si u něj několik lidí všimne něčeho znepokojujícího, aby vzápětí zahynuli za podivných okolností. Tak dopadne například archeolog Buggenhagen, který najde basreliéf s obrazem antikrista, který se až příliš nápadně podobá rysům Damienovým. Pozornost se však odvrací od jednoduchého vzorce dalších "podivných" úmrtí, aby se film soustředil na Damiena samotného, který si postupně začíná uvědomovat kým je, což celou situaci od základu mění.



Večerka 1981


Vojenská akademie Bunker Hill existuje již skoro 150 let. Když dozorčí rada nařídí její uzavření, kadeti vedeni Timothy Huttonem se ji rozhodnou bránit před zájmy investorů…


Podporujte akademii

Podporujte akademii 1980


Rodiče čtyř chlapců nevycházejí z problémů, protože kluci mají hrozné chování. Nakonec se najde tvrdé řešení. Půjdou do vojenské akademie. Ve škole je čeká disciplina, fyzicky náročný výcvik, ale také úplně jiné vztahy mezi lidmi, než na jaké byli zvyklí. Změní akademie kluky nebo kluci akademii?


West Point

West Point 1956


The West Point Story is a dramatic anthology television series shown in the United States by Columbia Broadcasting System during the 1956-57 season and by ABC during the 1957-58 season. The West Point Story, produced with the full cooperation of the United States Department of Defense and the United States Military Academy, was said to be based on actual files documenting many of the real-life dramatic occurrences at West Point over the years. Names and dates were altered in order to protect the privacy of the real people portrayed, however. The program was at first hosted by a fictional cadet, Charles C. Thompson, but this device was discontinued prior to the end of 1956. During its second season on ABC, The West Point Story was in competition with NBC's The Californians, set in San Francisco during the gold rush of the 1850s, and with The $64,000 Question quiz series on CBS. The West Point Story was replaced on the summer schedule in 1958 by Jack Wyatt's Confession, which continued to air during the first half of the 1958-1959 season in the 10 p.m. Tuesday evening time slot. At the time that The West Point Story was broadcast, four other military dramas aired either through syndication or on the major networks: Harbor Command, Navy Log, The Silent Service, and Men of Annapolis.


Military Academy

Military Academy 2012


Throughout the series follows the stories, lives and adventures of a group of military cadets after their reception at a military academy where starting with education for military pilots.


McKeever and the Colonel

McKeever and the Colonel 1962


McKeever and the Colonel is an American situation comedy that was broadcast on NBC television in the United States from 1962-1963. Its setting was a Westfield military academy. Dick Powell's Four Star Television produced the series. Gary McKeever was the name of a student who was the lead of the series, whilst the Colonel in the title referred to the school commandant who was constantly at loggerheads with McKeever. Jackie Coogan played Sgt. Barnes, a soldier at the school who was sympathetic to McKeever. The program also starred character actor John McGiver. The guest stars included Walter Coy, formerly the host of the NBC anthology series Frontier.


Dress Gray

Dress Gray 1986


When a cadet at a military academy is found dead, the assumption is it was an accident. But the autopsy reveals that's not the case and that he's a homosexual and the last person he was with someone before he died and that someone is an academy upperclassman. The commandant wanting to protect the academy's good name tries to keep it quiet and hopefully no one will care about it. But the cadet comes from a prominent family and his father knows it couldn't have been an accident. And his sister knows one of the upper class men who knew his brother. And he learns the truth of her brother's death when he spoke to the academy doctor. Later when the commandant learns of this he orders the man brought to him and tells him to forget what he learned. But he sets out to find out the truth. At the same time the commandant gets some info that might implicate him.