Lindsay Frost The Ring Danys col·laterals Dead Heat In the Line of Duty: Smoke Jumpers OP Center Treasure of Pirate's Point The Great Los Angeles Earthquake Monolith Calendar Girl, Cop, Killer? The Bambi Bembenek Story Palomino The Elizabeth Smart Story When We Were Young My Father's Shadow: The Sam Sheppard Story Learning Curves Lady in a Corner In the Shadow of a Killer Stop at Nothing Mind Games S’ha escrit un crim CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Shark L.A. Law CSI: Miami Judging Amy seaQuest DSV The Unit Crossing Jordan Without a Trace Frasier Mancuso, F.B.I. Lost Nightmare Cafe Boston Legal Bull High Incident Birdland MDs Too Rich: The Secret Life of Doris Duke OP Center Dead by Sunset Father Dowling Mysteries