Michael Hogan My Old Dutch The Pointing Finger The Ace of Spades The Last Journey The Roof The Windjammer Bolibar An Obvious Situation One Family The Lyons Mail Dance Pretty Lady Two Crowded Hours The Flag Lieutenant His Lordship The Mayor's Nest The Man Outside Rebeca Les mil i una nits Ell i la seva enemiga Les mines del rei Salomó Appointment in Berlin Les aventures del capità Blood Bride of Vengeance Bride of Vengeance Lady from Louisiana The Hour Before the Dawn My Old Dutch The Prime Minister Akhirat: A Love Story A Yank at Oxford Nurse Edith Cavell Forever and a Day Brown on Resolution Take My Tip Les mil i una nits Sam's Medal The Passing of the Third Floor Back Trouble Brewing 18 Shades of Dust Doctor Syn The Mind of Mr. Reeder